
Well, it's been a year, but I'm writing again, if anyone is still even following MLR. I suck, I know, but I really really wanna finish this fic.


I found my laptop charger, finally, so I'm starting to write again. The next chapter of My Little Runaway will hopefully be finished tomorrow or the next day, and then I have to edit, which shouldn't take too long. So maybe expect an update within the next week? I'm not even gonna bother trying to have a set update schedule right now because then the pressure of a deadline gets to me xD Thanks for sticking around guys. I'm sorry about the shitty updates.


Wow, I haven't updated in forever. I have an actual reason, though, I swear XD. I was dumb and lost my laptop charger. I'm having trouble getting a new one, so I think I'll try writing on my phone again. But if I do that, updates are gonna be very irregular and there might be mistakes, because I think best while on a computer and I can't stand my phone. 
          Also. Remember Saved By BVB? Well, I met someone who really really liked it years before she even met me. Apparently I was one of her few favorite authors. That made me really happy, and inspired me to try to finish it. It'll probably be after  I finish My Little Runaway, though. 
          Hopefully, I'll have an update for anyone still following MLR soon. I'm so sorry this taking so long. Thank you so so much to anyone who has read it despite my crappy update schedule. <3