ban-company Education Consultants. a Study in Ukraine project.  

It is a pride to announce that ban-company Education Consultants.
is serving for enrollment of foreign students in Ukrainian
Universities successfully for past a decade

Ukraine is one of the best platforms for education, business
and tourism. Exploring our website, you will have a better
idea of Medical, Engineering, Aviation and Economics universities of Ukraine

Today the urge to get enrolled into Medical or Engineering
Universities and Colleges is high among students but due to
stiff competitions, high financial involvements and some
government policies (restrictions etc. ), it is becoming
tough and costly day by day to take admission in Medical or Engineering University

ban-company Education Consultants. has come up with the solution
of these problems at that time of life when the students need
it the most. We assist our students to study in various
fields of Medical, Engineering, Economic, Computer Science,
Aviation Engineering and many other programmes in the best
Medical, Engineering, Economic, Computer and Aviation Universities of Ukraine

We offer our students a vast choice of Medical, Engineering,
Economic, Computer and Aviation Universities of Ukraine .
The cost of studying in various fields of Medical, Engineering,
Economic, Computer Science, Aviation Engineering and many
other programmes is much lower than in Western Europe
nevertheless there is no compromise on quality of knowledge.
Foreign students enjoy a lot of facilities as Government of
Ukraine is very friendly to the foreigners. Living cost
is also very low, as compared to Western Europe

We guarantee you high quality European standard education in
Universities of Ukraine Or in other words ban-company Education Consultants.
offer "Education at its best level in Ukraine
  • ukraine
  • JoinedApril 7, 2016