
decided to put controlled up again, i was very insecure about this story cause i mixed in some real life events. but now im okay with it being out there. im just trippin over how many people are reading


I’m trying my best to explore this Lylah character in  this new dream I’ve been having about her trying to deal with her hallucinations and split reality’s. It’s quite draining, but I can access it much easier when I’m in a emotional state. So bare with me on the updating, because I don’t want to force the story out of me and writing something untrue.


Man, I had writers block for two years now and im so happy to say I know what the cause is. I cant wait to share with you with what i have written and cant wait to share what im working on in the shadows a few months from now. Mark my words, you wont be dissapointed.


omg just realized you reposted everything and even books you were saving .. I’m so proud omggggg


Gonna édit some of em, they have some bad ass spelling/grammar mistakes holayy 

