
Hello my Ducklings, 
          	I have been a bit swamped with work lately, so my apologies if some of the chapters for "WRITTEN IN BLOOD" are taking longer than expected. 
          	- AJ <3


My dear Ducklings,
             for my new book, "Written in BLOOD." I am going to attempt to write a chapter every week or two. If you guys would like to like/comment on the story, it would be much appreciated.  
             Have an amazing day, my dear Ducklings!!
          - AJ <3


My dear readers, I apologize if it takes me quite a while to post chapters. As a full-time college student, I am a bit swamped with homework and work. I usually only get time to work on my book on the weekends. 
          Your Loving Author, 
              AJ <3