
!!!!!!!IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!!!!!!
          	I want to apologize for being so inactive, but I recently moved out of my childhood home into an apartment with my husband. Also no wifi so my OC setup is paused. I promise to update a few books. 
          	Comment below what story you would like to be one of the few that will be updated!!!!!


!!!!!!!IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!!!!!!
          I want to apologize for being so inactive, but I recently moved out of my childhood home into an apartment with my husband. Also no wifi so my OC setup is paused. I promise to update a few books. 
          Comment below what story you would like to be one of the few that will be updated!!!!!


A/N: I know I know I suck. I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this (Thank you for reading). Recently my boss has been toxic and I finally reported the abuse it's been draining my mental state and I lost myself. It has been a ride since she became my boss, I was s*xually harassed by a male coworker and then my boss has been abusive. Not to mention that my stepfather recently passed out, but he was standing up so he fell and broke his hip and needed surgery. My husband and I are still living with my family, so it has been a change in the family house hold and again it's draining my energy. So I apologize for everything that I didn't write as much. I love this platform and writing my stories here.


@asianslothff I'm so sorry for everything you are going through. You don't have to apologize or feel sorry about not writing or anything like that. You take care of you first. Your health is priority. Hopefully work gets better now that you have reported everything. HR does not take things like that lightly, I speak from experience on that. I also wish your stepfather a speedy recovery. Sending virtual hugs your way.


Hello everyone, 
          I might thinking of making a Girl Meets World Fan fiction. However if I do I’ll be making it a female OC who is the sibling of one of the Main Characters. 
          I don’t know who would be that sibling. 
          So please let me know. 
          • Farkle 
          • Maya
          • Riley
          • Lucas


@LeeJiNKim7 the story is up and im writing a lot so I can upload chapters, stay tuned


@asianslothff Lucas. A cowgirl oc/fl would be awesome.


@asiansloth for a fanfiction to work, you have to take the canon which means having Mia as a OC not Delilah you can’t make up an OC for example, in my fanfiction, the prince and the charter jet pilot, which is about Princess diaries the book Mia‘s father, has it rendezvous with a charter jet pilot and has a child with her Mia does not meet her but in she does


Are you serious? Fanfictions by definition is fanfiction, "OC" stands for "original character," which refers to a character created by the fanfiction author rather than being a part of the original work the fanfiction is based on. Look on most of these stories, you have a creative character that the author writes so you have a look into said universe. For you to be this way towards the author and spamming her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she blocks you. 