
tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
I feel like we should legally be allowed to hunt people that write in iphone only fonts for sport.
          	 I just want to read the fucking story, but no. stupid fucking boxes again. 


*gasp* ur bio is iconic :D


@deadinsidefthairdye bro I’m so awkward irl tho, like you’d never know it was me who said this stuff lol 
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@vindellisem so are you! You keep coming back with sweet things to say, and I don't know what to do cause I'm a terrible conversationalist 
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Thank you so much for reading my book "I Am Your Teacher" I sincerly appreciate your support! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it! :) <3


Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! That literally means the world to me! :) <3
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@DorothyGale12 It was an amazing book! I read it all within a day and it was certainly worth it! You're such a creative person and I absolutely loved your writing! <3 
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