
Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to focus on a more specific fanfic that I have, which is world of warcaft in rwby
          	this fanfic is a mix of four very important elements in fanfic, two world of warcraft books called
          	arthas rise of the lich king
          	World of Warcraft: Beyond The Dark Portal
          	warfraft 3 with the dlc and world of warcraft with the wrath of the lich king
          	and I also need help from people to write the chapters of this fanfic
          	If you know anyone, you know a lot about RWBY and World of Warfraft and also if you have any friends who know about this, contact me on my discord.


Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to focus on a more specific fanfic that I have, which is world of warcaft in rwby
          this fanfic is a mix of four very important elements in fanfic, two world of warcraft books called
          arthas rise of the lich king
          World of Warcraft: Beyond The Dark Portal
          warfraft 3 with the dlc and world of warcraft with the wrath of the lich king
          and I also need help from people to write the chapters of this fanfic
          If you know anyone, you know a lot about RWBY and World of Warfraft and also if you have any friends who know about this, contact me on my discord.


Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to focus on a more specific fanfic that I have, which is world of warcaft in rwby
          this fanfic is a mix of four very important elements in fanfic, two world of warcraft books called
          arthas rise of the lich king
          World of Warcraft: Beyond The Dark Portal
          warfraft 3 with the dlc and world of warcraft with the wrath of the lich king


Hey, que ya hice la cuenta de discord, mi cuenta de llama el mismo perfil de Wattpad 


            ya envié la solicitud de amistad


Yo. It’s me. I thought the private messages were gonna be deleted tomorrow, but I guess they deleted them today and are going to delete the privacy messages option tomorrow.
          Anyway, I’ve finished the chapter. When you get this message just tell me how you’d like for me to send it over to you.


@arthasmenethil01 I’ll look around to see who all would be interested. However that’s why there’s that disclaimer at the end of the chapter for anyone interested in the story and for anyone who may want to write it.
            I’ll also eventually upload the chapter onto my Shadow of War story as a One-shot chapter to see if I can better find people for you on my end.


@SoundBlastersuperior yes,now comes the question who will help me write the chapters of this fanfic so far i've tried to communicate with other authors but nothing came of it no answer no yours how long will it take to find other people days months years no yours how long?


          On May 6, 2024 0:00:00 UTC, user-to-user private messaging will no longer be a feature on Wattpad and existing conversations will be deleted. You will still be able to receive messages from Wattpad-affiliated accounts
          El 6 de mayo de 2024 0:00:00 UTC, la mensajería privada entre usuarios dejará de ser una función de Wattpad y las conversaciones existentes se eliminarán. Podrás seguir recibiendo mensajes de cuentas afiliadas a Wattpad.


wattpad will remove private messages on May 6th
          wattpad eliminará los mensajes privados el 6 de mayo


@arthasmenethil01 si, algo que en mi opinion es muy malo, porque ahi gente timida que no da su opinion de historias en publico o por miedo a recibir hate lo hacen por privado


@ arthasmenethil01  esto no podría ser peor