
Hey just wondering if you updating any of your stories soon, or is real life stuff getting in the way
          Anyways just want to say, I really enjoy reading your stories and hope you update them again
          Best of luck with whatever you are up to


Hey there, just checking to see if you guys are pre planning the entire story, getting the lore and all that correct before posting a chapter. 
          I don't want to be seen as demanding for a chapter but its been another month....
          You kinda left us hanging.


Hello there, me again. Just wondering when we can expect the updates to your stories. Trying not to be a bother but its been along time. Please keep up the good work.


@dindjarin123 Yes, I was not expecting to be this busy originally after I left college, but I just posted the newest chapter. Hopefully the next won't take as long.


Hey dude, love this iteration of Rebels. I was wondering if you'd continue with 'Abandoned Again'? That had a good start and potential. Anyways keep up the good work.


@dindjarin123 Short answer, yes I will. Long answer, I'm currently busy with college finals, but they will be done next week. Along with that I'm trying to figure out the best way to write the next chapter of Descendant of Revan. I'm hoping to have both out by the end of next week. Thanks for reading, and glad you enjoy them!