Smile! :D I hope you're having a truly wonderful day, wherever you might be. Always know that you're worth it, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

That aside: Hi! I'm a closet writer, a certified lurker, and I'm really bad at talking about myself. Forgive this profile's crappiness, but I'd love to hear about you! (And maybe we'll share in our weirdness together! :D)

You have basically stumbled upon a profile written by...

1. Probably the most ridiculous and most random person you've ever encountered. (If you are lucky enough to get past the awkward antisocial introvert phase, that is...)

2. A person who rarely sleeps, but despite this, adores it (Thank you internet)

3. A person who loves food. (Seriously... Food is a bribing tactic used by all who know me)

Well then... I guess I'm pretty simple. xD
  • In bed (probably)
  • JoinedNovember 7, 2014