
Thank you all so much for the support you've shown my books. I'm being honest I never expected them to get so popular which makes me so happy to find out it did! Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart everyone!


Thank you all so much for the support you've shown my books. I'm being honest I never expected them to get so popular which makes me so happy to find out it did! Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart everyone!


So ive been thinking. I've had a couple different Ideas for The IDW book I was writting and I decided I'd put them in it. Some of my ideas were drastically different and weren't in the original book and some of those ideas were suppose to make sense of some things in the OG book so what Im planing to do is use the rewritten version to place my ideas there


Also another thing. Since I mainly do x readers I sometimes hate how I wrote Y/n. Sometimes I feel like they're personality feels a little stale and other times a little inconsistent with their personality. Sometimes I just regret making a chapter all together. The reason why Im venting is that I want to rewrite some of my books. I want to improve them and make them less cringey. I've been thinking of rewriting them for months now. Im not saying im going to delete the OG books or edit the book. Im saying that I want to write the book seperate. That way I can still be reminded of my first books and that you can still enjoy the old ones but as well as enjoy the new version of the books. Dont get me wrong Im not going to alter too much Im just going to make it better. So what do you think?


@Solarization not at this moment but eventually cause Im cringing while reading it


@am3000000  are you rewriting the sonic boom x reader one?


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Y'know if im being honest I both love and hate my books. I love them cause I get to express myself and sometime the chapter is actually good and im all like wait a damn minute I wrote this masterpiece. But I hate it cause of how cringey they can get to the point I cant read them and be all like why did I make this shit? Its why whenever I go in my notification and see ppl's comments I make sure to check the chapter of which they commented on cause I know im gonna read the part they commented on and its most likely gonna be so cringey to reread. And sometimes even when the chapter is really good I just have issues with a small part of it like the dialogue or the action I made a certain character do.