
so my phone broke again, so expect slower updates than usual I'm using my computer lmao.


Omg, hi guys. Sorry I've been gone for like a couple of months. You know my phone stopped working and than my mom's car got crashed into and I was without a phone for a while and I lost my account, but it's all good 


@alexa_eclipse bro-, i swear wattpaders live the craziest lives, i hope you're doing good now?


I'm sure most of you are aware of the disgusting and disturbing news surrounding Kris Wu. I don't support any of the disgusting actions he did at all. And I'm going to erase any mention of him in my stories, he's literally disgusting and if you support or defend him please unfollow me. I don't want people following me who support such disgusting people. 


@alexa_eclipse Yes,I'm aware and to be honest when i heard the news from my younger sister I'm surprised that he has a scandal.I'm so disappointed to Kris and can't believe that he did that to the minors