
'my wife is the sea and my girlfriend is a large lake.'


@AnonymousSenpai15 I'm not sure. I do have a soft spot for Eli, he was my first trans character and I wish I had put more work into the entire thing. Done it properly, because that's what Eli deserved. 
          I'll have to play with the idea, give it some thought and where I would want it to go, how old he would be and just get to know him again as a character as well as really flesh him out.


Very much enjoying your stories..I'm laughing to myself because I read Chasing Cars a year ago and then deleted my wattpad and was never able to find your account again. Very well written, all of your stories.


Trashed my first attempt at re-writing We Watched The City Burn - it deviated too far from the original text, and retained none of the elements I liked. The concept of writing it as a journal was not right either, because Matthew would not cement such facts on paper. 
          Writing is re-writing, anyway. Taking another pass at it today, as I have a surprise day off from classes.