
Good luck to everyone taking any finals these upcoming weeks! :D


Sorry to bother you but when are you going to update A Princess in Boxers 


Okay thanks! And don't feel bad things happen and people get busy.


I'm hoping to update soon. I feel so bad for not keeping up with it. A whole bunch of crazy things have been happening but i promise i will update very soon 


I really need some advice :(
          So my ex boyfriend sent me a message on facebook today. It was this huge paragraph of him saying that he wants me back. He's a really nice guy, we never fought or anything. We were going out for 4 years then we broke up because we were going to different schools and we didn't talk as much (the school was literally 20 minutes away from my school) We were still friends though, we hung out when we could and after two years he sends me that message.
          But I don't want to get back together and I don't really have a reason, I just don't want to. How do I tell him nicely?


@yaoimakesmesmile it all depends on  how u feel explain your feelings to him, maybe he would understand because he would know u more than anyone because u were in a relationship for 4 years so. just explain everything and he should understand