
Soooo I’m still working on updates for Crimson Heart! I recently got a new laptop cause my old one was sooo bad and slow so expect more updates frequently! 
          	Also, I’ve been thinking of doing another story with Dove Cameron as my face claim. (She’s so mf hot omg) Not sure if I want to do a Fred Weasley fic, or go a different route. I’ve been thinking of doing an outerbanks fic (rafe, jj, or topper cause austin north is smexy). 
          	Let me know what you guys think and if you have any recommendations for a new story! 


Soooo I’m still working on updates for Crimson Heart! I recently got a new laptop cause my old one was sooo bad and slow so expect more updates frequently! 
          Also, I’ve been thinking of doing another story with Dove Cameron as my face claim. (She’s so mf hot omg) Not sure if I want to do a Fred Weasley fic, or go a different route. I’ve been thinking of doing an outerbanks fic (rafe, jj, or topper cause austin north is smexy). 
          Let me know what you guys think and if you have any recommendations for a new story! 


          I'm working on a cover for my new story I am going to start working on. I don't want to give too much out yet but it will be George Weasley fic :) 
          Currently struggling to think of a title for it though. If you have any ideas please feel free to reply to this and let me hear them! The story is going to be during the Golden trio era and the plot basis will be around my OC discovering her own powers and learning things about herself that she didn't know before all while making friends and finding love with a cute redhead ;)
          Thats all I want to say right now cause I really want this to be suspenseful and surprising and I am really excited for this! So yeah, if you have any ideas for a book title please feel free to comment or message me them! 
          Much love, 


hi everyone. 
          so basically it’s been a rollercoaster of events in my life. a lot of personal things have been happening that i have had to focus on like school and my job and family matters…BUT i have been doing some thinking and I want to get your opinions. 
          This may I am graduating from college and I will have a bunch of free time in the summer when I am not working. I’ve had a couple ideas running around in my mind and wanted to run them by you all. 
          Firstly, I want to thank you all for the continued love and support of my books, especially Southside Baddie. This was one of my first books and my most successful one and I am so happy that you all love it so much. I have been thinking of continuing this story but the update schedule may be a little slow because I haven’t watched the show in forever. Would you guys be down for me continuing Southside Baddie? I may even change the title because…cringe. 
          My other idea came to mind a while ago. Over the past two years I have became a HUGE Harry Potter fan and have read so many amazing fanfics on here from other authors and it inspired me to think up some ideas for a possible HP fanfic. Would you all be interested in that? Again, it will probably be slow updates if I decide to push through with my ideas but I think you all would really love it, especially my Fred and George girls out there ;) 
          So, yeah, that’s my thoughts recently. Let me know what you all think and whatever I decide I will let you all know! 
          Again, thank you tremendously for all the love and support while I’ve been inactive. It means the world. 
          With love, 


hi everyone! 
          as you can see I changed my username and I have also made an Instagram account for you guys to be able to contact me there as well and keep an eye out for any updates  
          follow my ig: _xoarig 


Hi everyone! Proud to announce that I am back! Depending on some things I’m not sure which stories i will be continuing but I do have some ideas in mind for some new stories ;) so keep an eye out for those! I’m not sure what my writing schedule will be like since I still have work but I’m happy to be back and start writing again :)