
Hey guys. Its been a while, I know.But I am attempting to write, once again. I would appreciate your support in this. I released a prologue and there should be a chapter one coming out within the next few days. Love you, my kings and queens xoxo


Hey guys. Its been a while, I know.But I am attempting to write, once again. I would appreciate your support in this. I released a prologue and there should be a chapter one coming out within the next few days. Love you, my kings and queens xoxo


hey guys, oml I just updated. wow. go check it out 


@_idgxff okay!! I'll do the same! which book?


@AnnaCarolineM Will do first thing in the morning. I'll add it to my list. 


@_idgxff hollaaaa. could you check out my book 'Stranded'? also please vote on all my parts & comment your opinion & give feedback!!! in return I'll do the same to a book of yours!! (just name which one)


Hey guys, I am so sorry but it seems as if I have forgotten which books I am supposed to read that has been suggested by which followers. So whether they are yours or someone else's, comment one's you'd like me to read below.