
Crap guys ! Last time I cheeked my book , Jingle , it had like 15 views , today I got on and I have 40 ! Thank you for all your support and I'll make sure to speed up the updates ! 


If you didn't already notice , I made a new book titled " Jingles " about a crazed jester . I've never written a horror , or from a 3rd person point of view , so piz let me know if it is any good . Thx has a nice day . 


Hello Humans ! Xno Here And You Might Want To Check Out My New Book If You Were Into The Cyborgs Weakest Day You Might Like This ...
          Just Kidding ^_^ You WILL like this .... Or I'll Kill You . Kidding Again I'll Just Hunt You Down Tie You Up And Read It Out Loud So You Have To Listen ! Anyway , It's A Fiction Book About An Alien Named Viinderious That's Goal Is To Rule Our Solar System . Thanks For Reading This ! - Xno 


Xnø is back :D Xnø also just realized he hates when people talk in third person so he's stopping now . So yes. One change swallowing earth has been deleted because I didn't like where the storyline was going the cyborgs weakest day was fine how I left it . What made me want to come back is a sudden flare for a new story idea that will be out soon 


Hey guys , really sorry for being so in active lightly , I can assure you I will be continuing i have already added 2 chapters and I hope to come to the end of the book by the end of next month . And after that , if my new books gets at least 600 views I will make a 3rd book to continue the story line , no plot twist this time ....maybe ....;)