
This is uh Abi, I'm sorry to uh have to tell you guys this but Seth has passed away. Reason that shouldn't be put on here, but um if you guys want I can leave Seth's account up as a memory thing for him. You guys can message and leave comments, his best friends will be running it from now on and will answer any questions you may have, but please dont leave hurtful words, seth was the sweetest guy and didnt hurt anyone he truly was fantastic. im glad i can be able to say he was my best friend. It kills me right now to even be on his account without him over my shoulder giving me his judging look that I loved so much. I loved him so much. I just wish I could have told him before now. R.I.P my little angel I love you.


@Sethyboyz  wow, hi. um.. I just found this acc. I was so excited to find a fanboy. I guess Seth is gone. It's been 5 months. Now I'm just sad. I bet he was a great guy


I've been looking on this account for a few days now and I just really miss u only if we talked once over the comments. I wish we could have been closer it makes me so sad. 
          Love u Seth <3 
          Ik u r resting in peace and flying with the birds. 


This is uh Abi, I'm sorry to uh have to tell you guys this but Seth has passed away. Reason that shouldn't be put on here, but um if you guys want I can leave Seth's account up as a memory thing for him. You guys can message and leave comments, his best friends will be running it from now on and will answer any questions you may have, but please dont leave hurtful words, seth was the sweetest guy and didnt hurt anyone he truly was fantastic. im glad i can be able to say he was my best friend. It kills me right now to even be on his account without him over my shoulder giving me his judging look that I loved so much. I loved him so much. I just wish I could have told him before now. R.I.P my little angel I love you.


@Sethyboyz  wow, hi. um.. I just found this acc. I was so excited to find a fanboy. I guess Seth is gone. It's been 5 months. Now I'm just sad. I bet he was a great guy