
Role Play anyone?


@_PinkPrincessJin We can continue our old ones or start a new one if you want.


It's ya boi 


@aestheticdreamsjpg I missed everyone here so I came back hello 


I'm officially getting rid of this account I think it's time to move on bye everyone have a good life 


@_PinkPrincessJin Well, i am late to reply again, but, i can't stop you from leaving because no matter what i say, in the end it is your choice. Thank you for roleplaying with me, our roleplays were great. I hope you have an amazing life.


This account is dead I'm deleting Wattpad for good -A


Nooo, stay :c I know i am late saying this, but i really enjoy our rps. I am not as active because i became busy. But I am on whenever i can be. :c