
My home was attacked yesterday and I could never even understand losing your child. If I lost my Ellie I'd die so my heart goes out to all the families who were hurt and the security of my beautiful city. Manchester will always stay United. 


My home was attacked yesterday and I could never even understand losing your child. If I lost my Ellie I'd die so my heart goes out to all the families who were hurt and the security of my beautiful city. Manchester will always stay United. 


Guess who I got to meet today? A little early, but my beautiful Tabbaia Eleanor is born today 2.5 kilos and 25 cm.   


 Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️ many blessings to you and yours :) 


my dearest friend and humblest writer is deciding to move on, I wish you the best, love. 
          "don't forget where you belong ;)" 


@_KayeWest_ haha well I just love you *sniffsniff* you're just, so great 


@_KayeWest_ you sneaky sneaky girl... this has warmed my cold heart oh dear you know what you were doing writing this. 


so All just recently realised that 1D is taking a break and he's been dry heaving in the the kitchen over a bag of crisps, saying "this is what it feels like to lose your babies" um...I don't know what to do folks.


for further validation, one of them was mine the second was my grandmother's, a gown she wore while getting married in secret during the German invasions, and one from my mother's wedding (she also had three) or four I don't recall.