
I'm terrified to write this but I need to.
          	I've been rewriting Satanic (no longer going by that name as it is now a multi-book series) and after I sought out advice on how to navigate posting it online, I unfortunately can't. I will be publishing it, beginning with book 1 next year. The reason for this is that I would need to complete the full series here before publishing book 1, and as the series could take years to finish, that's not something I can do. I'm sorry. All of my books will be removed on July 1st. Psychotic Obsession is being published this winter, Glass House is set for publication in 2025 but will be going to my agent first, and the Trapped Series will either stay here, or be gone forever as it's not a story I see myself ever working on again. Addicted to Base will also be published as things that happen merge with the new version of Insatiable, so it will be confusing to readers on here.
          	Base doesn't get sent to prison in the new, published version, along with loads of other new things. I use a copyright system that also picks up my stolen books, and 2 were found on here, so I'm even more uncomfortable.
          	Please don't be mad at me. PLEASE. I quit my job and took on writing full time, so it's now my career. I adore each and every reader/friend on here. You've given me a platform to learn how to write and tell my stories, and it's given me this chance to give my family a proper future. I'll forever be grateful.
          	Follow your dreams ❤️
          	Love, Leigh
          	You can find updates on future works on my IG here:  https://www.instagram.com/authorleighrivers?igsh=MWpuNGI0Yzc2aWxqMg==


You’re amazing ! Can’t wait to buy Glass House once it is out 


@_Dark_Romantic do what is best for you! Keep us updated on all the work you plan on doing and keep up the awesome writing. Can't wait to read the new storyline for the satanic books. Good luck and stay safe


DON'T APOLOGISE GIRL!!!  we are all so incredibly proud of you and im so happy that you're publishing them! will definitely be buying them! so excited for psychotic obsession! sending lots of love and support on this new chapter in your life! love u girl 


Hope you update satanic soon i loved it more than psychotic obsession bcz i hated the whole love triangle like scenario between aria, ewan & toby... Bcz toby's character was so dark & good meanwhile aria was fked up in her own ways giving bipolar vibes... There was so many times i felt like ewan deserves better than her & then she ends up with him made my brain fry... I love your writing it makes me never want to stop reading & indeed PO was great i just wish ewan's character wasn't shown so heroic/important. with aria treating both men weirdly putted me off a lot through out the story. I'm saying all this bcz i read somewhere that you'll be making changes & publishing toby & aria's book... So I thought to leave my review here ❤️ love you 




@hailey_baily853 it won’t let me paste it here do u have ig or smth??


can anyone please send a link to it i need it my life




@_xoxolaura_ oh nvm, she published it


@_xoxolaura_ it was here some time ago, i think she took it down to edit it or something???


@_xoxolaura_ im wondering the same thing.


I thought kades book was on here?


@ghiblxiiii book 1 is insatiable book 2 is voracious and book 3 is restitution all by leigh rivers 


@ghiblxiiii she actually published it its a trilogy called the edge of darkness 