
I’m on my way to Six Flags for a school trip since the year is basically over So I’ll give a yall an option to vote since I’m in a good mood
          	I can post the next Chapter of OBD now or I can post it when I had planned but the updates will be a little more consistent 
          	Y’all’s choice


@Zynthrix yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. 
          	  (If you want to post it, I'd love to read it now if you wanna post it, but I'm cool waiting around for when it's planned!)


I’m on my way to Six Flags for a school trip since the year is basically over So I’ll give a yall an option to vote since I’m in a good mood
          I can post the next Chapter of OBD now or I can post it when I had planned but the updates will be a little more consistent 
          Y’all’s choice


@Zynthrix yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. 
            (If you want to post it, I'd love to read it now if you wanna post it, but I'm cool waiting around for when it's planned!)


          If Anne Boonchuy is a Samurai, and Sasha Waybright is a Ninja. Then what would Marcy be?


@Zynthrix Oh my god, I need that fic.


            Currently it’s just an idea but I plan to make it a fic


Hey y’all. Here’s a little bit of a light update
          So I did end up quitting football because it conflicted my with my theater schedule. Today was the first actual show and although it was a bit iffy it went okay. I knew my lines and all of that. And I’m currently on track to getting a wonderful girlfriend.
          And with the stories, I have about two-three different story chapters done but those still won’t be posted until around August or September. I’m also working on stories on google docs that I’m gonna try to send links to so y’all could read it
          But things are working out better now yall
          So thank you and good night 


@Zynthrix Yooo, that's awesomeee! Can't wait to see that coming up around August/September, definitely one of the things I'm looking forward to this year, rivaled only by the release of Arcane s2 this November lol


            I appreciate you a lot, really. I chose to quit football and I don’t regret it. We’re getting along just great. School ends in two-three weeks(THANK GOD). Also just a little note for you, one of the finished chapters is the next chapter of OBD.
            Hope you have good night too dude


@Zynthrix Woooo! Nice! Sucks that you had to quit football, but everything else seems like it's going great! Hope you and your girlfriend-to-be are getting along just fine too! Congrats about the stories too, two-three chapters is awesome, especially since you've been working on other things. PLUS it hasn't been a huge amount of time since your last update anyways. When's the school year end for you? Mine ends in like two weeks, so I was curious! Have a good night dude! <3


My Gacha life 2 users plz answer me this
          Is GL2 bugging out for y’all as well?


@Zynthrix Oh good god, you brought back an entire phase of my life I'd forgotten. I haven't used GL2, I was only around for the first one. Really showing my age here.. (I'm only 16, feeling old af tho lmfao)


@Zynthrix I have not used gl2 in a hot minute 
            so I have no idea if it's bugging out for me personally 
            apologies :(


I just spent the past half hour counting and calculating power rangers 


@Zynthrix Danggg, congrats on finishing that? lol


            That’s the total number of rangers, not including honorary members. 


@Zynthrix Jeeeez, is that the end? Or are there more to keep counting?


I’m gonna be totally honest with y’all
          And I’m sorry if this news is disappointing but I’m gonna just say it straight up
          None of my stories will be updated probably until schools restarts in either August or September 
          Am I still working on them?Yes. But I’m doing at a much slower pace because I wanna have multiple chapters to post plus I want it to be a good quality
          I thank you all for your patience 


@Zynthrix Thank you for being honest, it's hard to admit stuff like this sometimes. Seriously don't worry, we aren't going anywhere. It'll be the silver lining to starting a new school year when you start uploading fics again! I know the quality will be so damn good once you get back, and multiple chapters is a great goal!! You don't need to thank anyone dude, you're providing a story, made with your time, ideas, and energy, for FREE. No one's gonna get up in arms about you taking a breather. <3


Do y’all want a meme or a spoiler 


@Zynthrix OBD is currently my favorite fic if that's what you're asking, but honestly any is fine by me :D