
So with the new information about Tokyo Ghoul getting a rework for it's anime i will be restarting my Tokyo Ghoul Eto x Female reader fanfic and my other tokyo ghoul fanfic just to hopefully be able to get it more indepth with the help of it itself. For now imma get to work on my akame ga kill fanfic


So with the new information about Tokyo Ghoul getting a rework for it's anime i will be restarting my Tokyo Ghoul Eto x Female reader fanfic and my other tokyo ghoul fanfic just to hopefully be able to get it more indepth with the help of it itself. For now imma get to work on my akame ga kill fanfic


Sorry I've been gone everyone. I have plans to come back I'm just trying to find my motivation again to write right now. But i am working on something. Not sure when it will be done. I hope to get it seen by the original creators of what it is so i can hopefully get into something with them. In the mean time imma get to work and i will notify you all on any updates about the book. I have been working on my music as of late to hopefully get somewhere with that.


Okay so i will be taking down my original books to rewrite them. So if any of you like The New Republic and want a new chapter released for it you will get eventually. I"m trying to work on myself while juggling work and daily life, and to add on i will soon be going to college as well. So in the meantime i will work on this as often as i can. Just let me know if there are any books you want updated or wish to see updated and i will get to work on it as soon as i can. So for now imma get back to working on my books. I wish you all a good day/night


Listen everyone...i'm sorry i've been gone and not publishing or updating. i have been fighting depression and the constant urge to kill myself. i'm trying to stay alive but it is difficult. I don't want to live anymore


Hey guys i'm going to be taking each and every book down and restarting them. I'm planning to improve my writing style and change the way the story is going for all of them. Each story will be coming down tonight/today


Sorry i have not done anything for updating. Depression, and school have not been nice. I got a job now and have track practice starting in a week. I'm mentally exhausted and just want to sleep all the time cause of it. 


The depressed boy is back everyone. So expect more updates for stories. And the song book i was planning to make may come into existence. Lot of stuff going on lately. My gf kinda said things that hurt so i'll be returning here. Thanks all the appreciation guys. I love yall for it. Thank you it means alot