
Hey so I started a Kickstarter fund. Why? Because I've been wanting to write a novel and I've had this idea for a long time, I need the money to pay off debt and to be able to afford the publishing fees. I hope you all like my idea and I hope you guys and share this around... Sempai loves you all! 


Hey so I started a Kickstarter fund. Why? Because I've been wanting to write a novel and I've had this idea for a long time, I need the money to pay off debt and to be able to afford the publishing fees. I hope you all like my idea and I hope you guys and share this around... Sempai loves you all! 


Okay I posted the new part to The Reapers Match.... It was on private mode for the first day so no one who wasn't a follower couldn't read it. Stupid I know. So I fixed the problem by copying and pasting and having a different tittle. So it's up now. Feel free to read the super long thing while I work on a bunch of stuff all at once....


Okay okay..... Look I know some of you are waiting for the new chapter of the reapers match... I'm working on it, it's gonna be really long and I have been busy with school... Collage=busy.... So I swear I'm working on it. And I'm working hard, and as a reward for you patience I'll do all the requests I was asked to do.... So like two things then.... *Cough give cough requests cough* Sorry I have an internet cold.......


My fans!!! Hear me cry!!! I need more than two requests to decide between. When I said any ship I meant any ship! So hurry up and think on what you wanna read and I will write it just for you!!! Okay!!! Do as your Sempai commands now!!!