
im not ded, might as well be tho lmao


this message may be offensive
so carona is a thing, i sure hope everyone is staying safe, and staying inside. its important to understand, acording to what ive read, while people who arnt at risk for the virus putting them in critical condition, should still self isolate. that way you can avoid spreading it around to others who may not have the immune system to fight it, and for god fucken sakes stop taking all the toilet paper and food, your taking from others who dont have it, and who cant afford to stalk pile and go week to week. you dont need 12 packs of toilet paper for your 3 member family/household  karen. im gonna be adding to my oneshot book in this time of staying indoors. stay safe, and stay hydrated or become the earth i walk on 
                       - friggen lemons.




@XxXlemonzXxXsourhot  ALSO  wash ur friken hands my dude, you should already be doing that, but like if you dont, now is the timeto start.


sneak peak my dudes.                                                          Dear gumball,
          . You want to break walls, to break them and go through planting your garden. 
          You plant that garden wherever you go. whether you choose the flowers for the way or if the flowers choose you for your way, is a mystery. I've seen the way gardens can embed themselves in people's lives, how they affect the gardens being planted even when that person moves on. 
          To make a path for us to go through that garden would be altruistic, and ignorant. 
          For me to follow you on that path would be even more ignorant.
          I know you want to know why, i know it's all confusing, but the answer is very simple. We all plant gardens.


im going to write the next chapter. its going to be bottom gumball, but i do want to know. who do you prefer as bottom and why?  i prefer bottom gumball, its personally more apealing. although i feel it has nothing to do with apealing but everything to do with charachter. whitch brings me to my second question, not who you prefer but who you feel would take the lead in the relationship and why?