
Tօ ɑӀӀ ʍվ  KմɾօNօOkɑ FɑղŚ!
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Yeah.” Curtis nodded, smiling as Oli rested his head on his shoulder. “Things are going to be alright, Oli.” Curtis pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Oli’s head. “We’ll figure this out.”
                      “I know we will.” Oli nodded, snuggling a little closer to Curtis. Both boys sat there, Curtis’ arm around Oli, holding his new boyfriend close, both staring in awe at the child, unable to look away from their son.


Do you still want to?” Oli bit his lip. He knew that he had been unfair to Curtis in the past, telling the guitarist that they couldn’t be together because they were in the same band and then, when Curtis had left the band, telling him that they couldn’t be together because Curtis was no longer in the band, meaning they were too far apart to have a relationship.
                      “Yes.” Curtis nodded.
                      “Then I think we should give it a shot.” Oli looked down at the sleeping baby. “But…but Colwyn comes first in this relationship.”
                      “Yeah?” Curtis smiled, putting his arm around Oli, squeezing the boy’s shoulder.
                      “Yes.” Oli nodded.
                      “I think that’s the most mature thing you’ve ever said in your life.”
                      “Yeah?” Oli leaned in, closing his eyes as he placed a soft, chaste kiss to Curtis’ lips. “Well I guess maturity is something that I’m going to have to learn to grow into pretty quickly.”


“No.” Curtis shook his head. “You’re not leaving me in here with the baby – remember, we’re splitting this job 50/50.
                      “Is this some ploy to get me into bed with you?” Oli joked as he kicked his shoes off.
                      “If it were, would you turn and run?” Curtis asked, biting his lip as he looked at Oli, his expression far more serious than Oli had expected.
                      “Yesterday, yes, I would have.” Oli nodded, speaking slowly as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “But…but you’re here for me, aren’t you?”
                      “Of course I am.” Curtis nodded.
                      “You’re taking me in when I’ve got nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to.” Oli motioned for Curtis to join him, sitting on the bed. “We never gave us a fair shot, did we.”
                      “No.” Curtis shook his head. “We didn’t.”


Shh.” Oli put his finger to his lips. “He’s asleep.”
                      “Oh, sorry.” Curtis set the bags down. “What did you come up with?”
                      “Come see for yourself.” Oli led Curtis towards the bedroom. Curtis had to hold back the urge to laugh out loud. One of the drawers from Curtis dresser had been removed and emptied. Oli had set the drawer on the floor and lined it with t-shirts, pillows and blankets, making sure that it was both comfortable and safe before resting the baby inside. “Well?”
                      “You did a good job, Oli.” Curtis nodded. “It’ll do for tonight, that’s for sure.” Curtis yawned, heading towards the bed himself.
                      “So I guess I’ll be on the couch of that’s alright.” Oli turned, heading for the exit of the room.


Hey, Curtis…” Oli stood as Curtis did. “Don’t you want to know his name?”
                      “Of course.” Curtis nodded. “I wasn’t aware that you had one.”
                      “His name’s Colwyn.” Oli smiled. “It’s Welsh.”
                      “Colwyn.” Curtis smiled as he repeated the name. “I like it, Oli.”
                      “Good.” Oli grinned.
                      “Now you get to work on that cradle.” Curtis grabbed his car keys and pulled on his shoes. He ran to a 24 hour store purchasing everything that seemed prudent, mainly bottles and formula. By the time he got back to his apartment, it was half past two in the morning. “I’m back,” he called as he unlocked the door.


I mean I could clear my guitars and amps out of the other room and we can set up a nursery. We can look up what we need to know online and get help from books and forums but Oli, you can’t go running off and leave him with me. If you want my help, you’re going to have to put just as much into this as I will.”
                      “I…” Oli gulped, looking at the child and then Curtis. “Do you really think that we can do this?”
                      “I think that if we both put in as much effort as we can that we will be able to give this boy more than what he needs, yes.” Curtis nodded. “The question is, do you think that we can do this?”
                      “Um…” Oli bit his lip, closing his eyes for a second. “Yes.” He nodded, his voice firm, his answer solid. “Yes, I think that we can.”
                      “Alright.” Curtis smiled. “I’m going to go to the store and get some formula and bottles. The stores with cribs and such will all be closed, so by the time I get back, I want you to have figured out something to use as a makeshift cradle for tonight, just until we can go out tomorrow and get a real one.


That’s part of it right there.” Curtis smiled slightly as he looked at Oli. “You want to keep him, don’t you?”
                      “Well…I mean…” Oli looked from the boy to Curtis. “I don’t know,” he answered finally. “I like him and everything, but I don’t know if I can take care of him.”
                      “Do you want to take care of him?” Curtis asked. “Do you want to keep him, Oli? If you knew that you would be able to take care of him, would you want to keep him?”
                      “Yes.” Oli answered the question without hesitation, and Curtis smiled again.
                      “I’ll tell you what.” Curtis looked down at the baby. “I won’t raise your son for you, but…if you like…we can raise him together.”
                      “What do you mean?” Oli asked.


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“And you think I do?” Curtis sighed, shaking his head. “If you are not prepared to take responsibility for this child, you need to take him back to the hospital and turn him over to child services.”
                      “But what if they can’t find a home for him?” Oli looked back down at the boy. “I was a scary looking kid – what if he looks like me and no one wants him because he’s an ugly little shit like I was?”
                      “He’s beautiful, Oli.” Curtis looked down at the child. “Can’t you see it?”
                      “Well yeah, I mean…but he’s my kid, I have to find him beautiful.”


Him,” Oli corrected. “It’s a boy.”
                      “Alright, him.” Curtis nodded. “My point is, Oli, I’m not going to take this boy from you and do your job. You are his father, he is your responsibility.”
                      “But you’ve just said so yourself – I can’t raise a child!” Oli looked distressed as his gaze left the baby boy in his arms and turned to Curtis. “I don’t know how to do anything! When he gets hungry, when he’s sick, when his nappies need changing…” Oli gulped. “I don’t know how to do any of that.”


Because that’s not my responsibility,” Curtis said softly, leading Oli over to the couch. He sat down, gesturing for Oli to do the same thing. “You conceived this child, Oli, and by taking it home with you from the hospital, you agreed to care for it.”