
As a matter of fact, it is my birthday today. Or everything I’m am writing or have posted I will be taking a break today from it as I am spending time with family today, I know no one really cares for my birthday, I do, so if you see it, please wish me a happy birthday, I’d appreciate it, if not that’s fine


@XO_Blythe_XO It's good to spend time with your family. Most kids don't do it enough. Belated happy birthday when ever you see this, I hope you had a fun day.


As a matter of fact, it is my birthday today. Or everything I’m am writing or have posted I will be taking a break today from it as I am spending time with family today, I know no one really cares for my birthday, I do, so if you see it, please wish me a happy birthday, I’d appreciate it, if not that’s fine


@XO_Blythe_XO It's good to spend time with your family. Most kids don't do it enough. Belated happy birthday when ever you see this, I hope you had a fun day.


I’ve been so busy I’ve forgot my birthday is coming up in a couple weeks. Aug 10th to be exact. I was more worried about college then my own birthday. My mother reminded me yesterday as I was just focusing on my own life I forgot I even had a birthday and usually I’m like “hey my birthday is coming up” to my parents and I guess I didn’t say anything about my birthday and they remembered then I did


This is annoying how you get absolutely no followeres when you just try to work your hardest in things but you just think being alone will work best for you. Honestly that what I think is best for me, I literally have no friends to even hang out with or even call. I’m that alone. I’m honestly wanting more friends and just not be alone but every time I make friends they always end up leaving me or just forgetting I exist. I’m just lonely I’m tired of being alone. For god sale someone be my friend..please….


@That83personI try tagging but it doesn’t work for me for some reason don’t know why


@Wolfy_Wolf34 Okay, tags are still an option.


@That83person were not really friends. It’s hard when ur “only” friend isn’t really spending time with u. Even so she moved on


Hello everyone! It is I, Blizzard! I know I don’t write much, but it’s hard when you have college and Work to do at the same time. 
          I had just started my first day at work today! It was just orientation but you know how those are, boring. My actually first day is to
          Tomorrow. So, Wish me luck!
          Also! I am working towards my Behavioral health degree at YCCC (York County Community College) in Maine. My classes to not start until July 3rd so I have enough time to write to finish my story I am working on. I had plublish the re-fix of “The story unfolds” please read it I am doing my best to make it sound right for you readers! Thank you if you did! And follow me for more updates on my story and my life! Thanks again if anyone of you read this re-fix of this story!!