Hola! Nah I'm just kidding we know no spanish whatsoever. Anyway, Hey we're the Writing Chicas. I know the name's a bit shitty, but girls on wattpad was already taken. We wanted to be like boys on wattpad, but instead write cool stories on one page. There are four of us Scarlett, Erica, Dorjana, and myself (Allana).

We all go to school together. Its pretty awesome. So of course each of us play a role in this squad.

Scarlett Lockwood is the goofy one in our squad. She's also Italian/ Irish/ Canadian. She is always randomly doing things that make you laugh. She's a good friend though. But don't bother telling her something serious, she also gets distracted easily. Scarlett is also a big fan of Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and Doctor Who.

Dorjana Bujaj is the pretty one in our squad. I like to call her our Albanian princess❤. She's sweet, kind, and sometimes quiet. She's also a big bookworm. You will almost always find her in a book. She and I are also aspiring artists. She's obsessed with vampires and we like to believe she is one.❤

Erica Kyttle she's our little Italian mother hen. She likes to keep us in check. She can be bossy at times but she doesnt mean any harm. Her blueish gray eyes are kind of intimidating as well....Don't ever get her mad.

Last but not least...Me! Heyy! I'm Allana Jean-Baptiste, I'm french, Hatian, and Barbadian. I've never really thought about what I am...I'm the lazy/party/chill/ fun one. By lazy I mean I always ask the others to do stuff for me. I am fun to be around I'm usually very social, but I'm not those mean girls (even though I love the movie) I pretty much always wanna have a good TIME. I'm pretty loud. I'm also the black girl...And sooo dirty minded like I can make anything about sex.
So please...Enjoy our books. Give us criticism and hopefully we dont waste your time...
  • JoinedJune 6, 2016

3 Reading Lists