
Hey everyone, 
          	I know this account is mostly an archive at this point. But I did notice that Pained, my divergent fanfiction, has recently reached 15 Thousand reads. 
          	I just wanted to come on here and say how incredibly grateful I am and thankful to every single person who read this story. 
          	I wrote it when I was 13, almost a full decade ago, and you cannot possibly fathom how much love fills my heart every time I get a notification from Wattpad that someone new added it to their reading list or voted for it. 
          	From the bottom of my heart, 
          	Thank you ❤️ 
          	P.S. To all the young readers who stumble upon this account, keep reading. Keep writing. Keep staying up late in the dark reading one more chapter. In ten years, you’ll still love every second of it. 


Hey everyone, 
          I know this account is mostly an archive at this point. But I did notice that Pained, my divergent fanfiction, has recently reached 15 Thousand reads. 
          I just wanted to come on here and say how incredibly grateful I am and thankful to every single person who read this story. 
          I wrote it when I was 13, almost a full decade ago, and you cannot possibly fathom how much love fills my heart every time I get a notification from Wattpad that someone new added it to their reading list or voted for it. 
          From the bottom of my heart, 
          Thank you ❤️ 
          P.S. To all the young readers who stumble upon this account, keep reading. Keep writing. Keep staying up late in the dark reading one more chapter. In ten years, you’ll still love every second of it. 


Since my fanfics have gotten a lot of traction these last few months, I thought it would be fun to update the covers for them.
          And to all the new readers, please read everything with a grain of salt I wrote everything in 2013 when I was 14 years old. If there’s anything sus, pleaseee let me know and I’ll edit however I can. I haven’t actually opened or read through any of them since like 2015.
          Other than that thanks for the love you’ve given them. I struggle with deleting this account because writing these stories made me realize I wanted to be a writer. So, it has a special place in my heart. 
          Check out the new Betrayed cover, and more to come in the next few days. Vote, comment, share. 
          Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being so willing to give these stories a chance ❤️


Hey guys, I know I owe you guys an explanation on my absence. I've been going through some stuff lately and it's really been getting to me. I recently lost my grandfather and that was hard enough. Then one of my teachers passed away and that was made even harder by my other recent loss.
          I know it's not an excuse on why I disappeared on you for such a long time. I've just had a rough time this year and it's been hard trying to hold my self together.
          I'm doing better now and the negative thoughts are starting to fade. I've got a more positive outlook on life and haven't forgotten everything you've done for me. I will proceed to write more hopefully in the near future. 
          All I can ask is that you don't give up on me and I just wanted to thank you for all that you've done for me over the years.


          I would love if you could somehow make a cover for my book, Anti.
          I have also glanced at your books and they seem really interesting. My battery is gonna die soon, but when I have finished charging it, i hope to check them out. 
          Hopefully you can return the favour? 


Love to help if you still need it. Message me if you want to further discuss it.


          I wanted to ask stone of my friends have recommended I ask you I'm bad at creating book covers and I need one. Could you possibly help? I have seen your work and I love it. And I know the first step to more readers is a good book cover. Please message me back.