
Hi my dear followers, 
          	I am taking down 'The So-called Boy Magnet' on March 31st 2021 because I will be publishing it. 
          	When published, I will give my dear Wattpad readers a chance to download it for free for a limited time. 
          	I have done the following with the published version after receiving feedback from my readers 
          	1. Slashed word count from 142,000 to 87,000 words. So all the unnecessary parts are gone.
          	2. No more characters with the same first name. This was requested by all my readers. Sorry for making you suffer. Lol. 
          	3. Removed many minor characters who don't add anything meaningful to the story.
          	If you have more feedback, contact me via a private message on Wattpad. 
          	Once published, a sample will be available on Wattpad. 
          	Thanks again for all your support. 


@cloudsofstars Awww. That's so sweet of you. Of course you will get a copy of my book, bestie. That goes without saying. 


@Late90sbaby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi Reader.
          If you take don't take reading request please ignore this message but if you do take would you like to try out my story.
          I have started to write my first book
           "The Dark Side of Obsession". 
          It's based on obsessive love disorder. 
          Do give a read when you have time and please share your feedback.



Hi my dear followers, 
          I am taking down 'The So-called Boy Magnet' on March 31st 2021 because I will be publishing it. 
          When published, I will give my dear Wattpad readers a chance to download it for free for a limited time. 
          I have done the following with the published version after receiving feedback from my readers 
          1. Slashed word count from 142,000 to 87,000 words. So all the unnecessary parts are gone.
          2. No more characters with the same first name. This was requested by all my readers. Sorry for making you suffer. Lol. 
          3. Removed many minor characters who don't add anything meaningful to the story.
          If you have more feedback, contact me via a private message on Wattpad. 
          Once published, a sample will be available on Wattpad. 
          Thanks again for all your support. 


@cloudsofstars Awww. That's so sweet of you. Of course you will get a copy of my book, bestie. That goes without saying. 


@Late90sbaby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


          ❝A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.❞ - Nelson Mandela
          Never stop dreaming, never stop learning. <33 Have an amazing dayyy!!! =)
          Emm =)


The rewritten version of The So-called Boy Magnet is now available to binge-read. The plot had changed considerably, so do consider re-reading even if you have already read it :) 
          Shout out to @Late90sbaby for re-reading the story. It means the world to me. 


@moonlightreveries thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


@Late90sbaby ❤️❤️❤️


Hey. Been a long time. I decided to vote for all of your chapters because I read all of them and remember how important this book is. See you soon.


@MissSo-called Okay. For that I might re-read. I had to do the same thing with my book as well because I found out some things were missing after I had completed it.


@Late90sbaby thank you so much. I am rewriting the book to make it more sensible. 


Everyone, and I mean everyone, deserves to be reminded that they’re important and loved every now and again! And, that’s why I have decided to send this message your way! 
          You are worthy, lovable, strong, valuable, talented, creative, intelligent, funny, thoughtful, resilient, loyal, selfless, sweet, brave, faithful, respectful, hard-working. Inspiring, genuine, beautiful and so so much more! 
          You matter!
          You belong! 
          You provide! 
          Never forget how much you are loved, and NEVER forget that your worth is NOT defined by what others say nor think! 
          YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MOND AND HEART TO!! Follow your dreams! You will succeed! Make yourself proud, like you have already made me! Take care of yourself and stay well! 
          Lots of love, thoughts, prayers, and encouragement are currently being sent your way! 
          Thank for simply just being you!
          ~ Alyssa


You’re so welcome, love! Aww, you’re far too kind to me! Thank you!! Let me know if you need anything! ❤️


@LovesCanada365 such a sweet message. Thank you ❤️❤️ sending the same sentiments back at you. Trust you're staying safe and taking care. 