
And btw, thanks to all of my new followers! I hope you don't change your mind about following a sorry-a** idiot like me xD


OHMYGAAWDDD It's been, what, two years? Yeah, I guess. And I miss you allll! I'm sorry for being a stupid writer. 
          I just had an extremely serious case of Writer's Block, and another case of the NOS, or the "New Obsessions Syndrome." Made it mahself xD 
          Anyway, I hope to hear from you guys soon! Love yaa~


Good News: I'M MAKING A NEW STORY! It's anime tho ;) But don't judge! If you check on the stories that I've been reading, you'll notice that They. Are. All. ANIME.
          Yeah, i'm getting more obsessed than when i already was. -_-"
          But i hope that you'l read and vote for it! xD


ahem, my teacher passed by my seat, so I had to shove my phone under my table, making me accidentally press send. As I was saying, I've had enough time listening to Mr.--- talking about his nonexistent glory days, and his bloody sweet crumpets that make me drool. So, I had decided to POST this in SCHOOL. MWAHA! Actually, this isn't my first time at all. I've posted some of my chapters in the MIDDLE OF CLASS, SO BADASS! Wow, that rhymed. Meh. Tarts.