
So I'm checking in after like a year. Why is Unexpected doing so well tf? 
          	Anyway, thank you and I hope you're all doing well xx


Call me crazy but I kind of have an idea for a Your Blood sequel...


Yes please,just finished reading it and loved it so much,never cried so much over a book❤️


I just finished reading ur book 'starless boy's' and I must say and hope u take to heart, it is the best book I've ever read on wattpad and, as my opinion, you should really think about being a writer or continue to write books like this one. 


@sakura_blossem11 wow thank you so much, it's so special to know something I've produced is somebody's favourite or even that they like it. I actually just re-read Starless boys today and it really inspired me to go back to the style that I used for that story. I love writing so much, I still do write, just on A03, so whether it takes me somewhere or not it'll always be a passion x


OMG, you are so good at writing, I started your Black Knight book, and looked at your profile pic and I thought, “That looks familiar”. I clicked on your page and realized “OMG This is the person who wrote Unexpected!!!” I just want to say that I’m glad I found someone who writes amazing Yuri On Ice stories! I really enjoyed Unexpected, and I definitely know I’ll enjoy Black Knight!


@redwidow448 thank you so much  I hope you have a great time with this book 