Hey, this is Vampiric_Rocker's and Volleyballpanda's editing page. Its shared. So if you're wondering, the person writing this is Pepsi, aka Vampiric_Rocker. We decided to use our nicknames for this account. Wasabi is Volleyballpanda. Anyways, the only two people we've fanned on this account are ourselves, which yeah, I suppose that's cheating, but oh well. We've fanned ourselves so anyone who winds up on this page can see a quick place to find us. Anyways, go check us out, we write good stories! 
Hey, now its Wasabi, cuz ya know, i have to write an about us paragraph too! haha, well so im mandy, and shes -well she has multiple nams cuz shes cool like that. AnNeEwWaAyYsSz Kate (for now anyway, her name changes) 's cool, and gunna help me out with editing and vice versa... shes cool, kinda quiet, kinda goth/emo-ish but dont be a hater! cuz shes amazing. Im mandy (did i say that already? XD) and im the crazy, loud, little sister, who somehow manages to keep her sane :P (even though we are polar opposites?)
WE DO NOT EDIT FOR OTHER PEEPS! so don't ask. please. i beg of you. we beg of you? just dont ask. cuz you will be rejected, because were both super busy and this is our first time as editors. once again, dont hate, if we were super-humans (or unicorns) we would, but we hardly have the time.
SOOO yup, thats us, soooooooo PEACE! XD :P ;) <3
Pepsi is back now! Well, me and Wasabi decided we're going to start a magazine on here and do reviews of our favorite stories, along with a few improv stories, because we're that cool! XD
  • runnin away from ice cream trucks cuz their music is scary
  • JoinedApril 4, 2011
