
i feel like i haven’t found a good book since the bad boy and the tomboy...someone help me please (of course i love the sequels but i want something new to read)


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Hey love
          I would be thrilled if you could check out my book "bad is the new good" or / and "how to be a bad girl : a good girl's guide "
          I don't know man, I suck at this advertisement thing, but I promise you, my book doesn't suck...much, I guess?
          Uh- well, I would be grateful if you could give it a try.
          Love, Aishi


What’s a cool/interesting way that two completely different individuals get each other’s phone numbers/a person gets a person’s phone number on accident and they start talking. I’m writing a story and want the situation to be unique :)


Guys I’m freaking shook. I’ve been pronouncing Cahill as “cuh-hill” but apparently it’s “cay-hill” ughhhhh I’ve been reading it wrong for so long 


You just confused the heck out of me and now I am confusion 


Dead serious. I’ve read so many books with the name “cahill” in it and I’ve been saying it wrong for such a long time 