
this message may be offensive
I just realized I never wrote my little message I do at the end of my stories for all the books I finish and also that I've been treating Diary of a Dead Girl like the forgotten last born so I am partially sorry for that. Anyway, as Diary of a Dead Girl DIES I want to say that I am NOT sorry for having such a crazy hectic posting schedule because it was very stressful on me and my life since starting that stupid book has gone from "Oh haha my life's been wonky recently." to "What the actual fuck just happened." Because that's literally what I said from November 2023 to January 2024. The transition goes crazy. Anyway, I'm angry at myself for not being consistent enough to keep my readers entertained but I can't do that without knowing what is working and what is dragging me down. So Imma keeps trying and if that doesn't work you will never hear from me again and the name Vanessa Zuch will mean nothing. I mean it probably doesn't even mean anything now but at least before I was kinda known. I'M STILL GOOGLEABLE!!! For now at least until my content dies and that random tiktoker replaces me. So that's it for now. Sorry I know I'm yapping but bye-bye. As always happy Wattpad reading and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!


this message may be offensive
I just realized I never wrote my little message I do at the end of my stories for all the books I finish and also that I've been treating Diary of a Dead Girl like the forgotten last born so I am partially sorry for that. Anyway, as Diary of a Dead Girl DIES I want to say that I am NOT sorry for having such a crazy hectic posting schedule because it was very stressful on me and my life since starting that stupid book has gone from "Oh haha my life's been wonky recently." to "What the actual fuck just happened." Because that's literally what I said from November 2023 to January 2024. The transition goes crazy. Anyway, I'm angry at myself for not being consistent enough to keep my readers entertained but I can't do that without knowing what is working and what is dragging me down. So Imma keeps trying and if that doesn't work you will never hear from me again and the name Vanessa Zuch will mean nothing. I mean it probably doesn't even mean anything now but at least before I was kinda known. I'M STILL GOOGLEABLE!!! For now at least until my content dies and that random tiktoker replaces me. So that's it for now. Sorry I know I'm yapping but bye-bye. As always happy Wattpad reading and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!


this message may be offensive
Merry Christmas!!!
          I hope all of your Christmases were super fun, and that you enjoyed quality time with your loved ones, I know that I tried. However, this message sadly doesn't involve Christmas. As the season comes to a close, my seasonal depression is kicking in and I definitely am feeling like a piece of shit. I promise you guys that I am trying so hard to write but these days it's only getting harder. So I'm going to be taking a little break. I'm going on vacation with my family on Friday, and won't get back home until the 10th, so maybe I'll start posting normally again then. I may still write occasionally, but it won't be like it is now. I appreciate the support and feedback from you guys but I am not in a good enough place right now to have a stable social life and balance out writing all while maintaining the cover of an online fake identity and a fake identity in real life. (remember kids nothing you see online is real. Fun fact, Vanessa isn't even my real name, she doesn't exist! But that's the fun thing about the internet, at least while I'm on it I can pretend that she is.) With that being said I hope you all are having a happy holiday season (even if you don't celebrate). As always happy Wattpad reading, and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!!


u act like i died




Hey guys sorry I know I'm probably spamming but I just want to say that my posting schedule is going to be a bit different this week. Instead of posting whenever I want and writing whenever I feel like it, I have to study for stupid exams. So I have to unfortunately say that instead of posting whenever I will be releasing one poem every other day instead of two or three every day. I don't want to take my exams but it's to better my education, and education is important. 
          Also side note I am no longer failing math and spanish
          (Please send help I am drowning in study guides)
          As always happy Wattpad reading, and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!


And we're back here again. As "Grow Up." comes to a close I would like to say thank you to the people who have been my continuous support throughout the publishing of this book. As for what happens next in what I like to call my spiteful sonnet series, I do not know. However, someone said that I should try writing in another language which I of course adore the person that came from and their wonderful head full of ideas so I thought why not? I should have another book out tomorrow, maybe a chapter the same day but anyone who knows me will call Bull.
          As always happy Wattpad reading and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!!




@CuCuMbErChiLd69 I will tell your mother Delanie.


Hello, people who read my rants! First of all, thank you for 170 reads. (which btw is 100 more than my last update) Second of all, I just released the 20th part of my poetry book, which is honestly insane bc these are just little thoughts I have in my head that I write down and you people read them! However I feel like going any further with the book seems pointless to me. I'm honestly so thankful for all the attention it's gotten, but I don't want to drag on the little poems. So Sapphic Girl is going away. I'm honestly not sure where to go now, because I think I said all that needs to be said. I have an idea for another book, but It's confined to one topic, and staying on topic (with this message as evidence) isn't my strong suit. I will try to come up with an idea or two, and have another book out soon. When that 'soon' is will be determined, but hopefully (and hopefully not) will be sometime within the next few days. As always happy Watt pad reading, and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!!


I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read my poems! (70 people is a lot when you only talk to 4 a day) I am currently on fall break from school, so after Monday, I probably will not be as active or up as late. I will try my best to still put out poems, just probably not as much as I've been releasing each day. As always happy watt pad reading, and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!!


whats up vanessa 


your poems are amazing


@amelia_2000z not much whats up amelia