
A Slayer's Forsaken Love is FINALLY coming along and I hope to have it edited and finished soon. Should be either one or two chapters left and it is done!! Sorry to all my followers... but life has not been kind to me...


@Vampiress_Athame I think it's done. ;)


Hey, I still think think you should put your poetry into one book so it'll be an all gothic collection and easily accessible. 


I guess when I do some get crap done lol.


@OlgaPinsky I need to do that... but barely any time to do anything...


I have not forgotten anyone on here, I promise and I'm so sorry for how long it has been for the last chapter... :( feel horrible. been busy with real life and trying to get back on my feet. I will work on it this weekend and hope to have it done by next week


I am really sorry to all my readers for A Slayer's Forsaken Love. I have been non stop busy and have not had any time to just sit down and continue writing on the final chapter. I promise that I will try to get to it soon and I hope SOON and not later. Sorry to all but it will be coming ;)


Well the time is soon coming for A Slayer's Forsaken Love to be over :( I can't believe after years of working on this fanfic that its almost to the end... I'm actually sad that this story will be over. But no worries everyone... once this story is over it will be time for me to work on another story from scratch again and I hope that I can write a good one for you all to read :) love you all and hope to get the last chapter up in a day or two.