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Hey honey! How are you? It would mean the world to me if you could check out one of my on going stories. The Sound, or Gone.
          The Sound is about a girl basically finding herself. After having such a hard life growing up with her parents dying, living with her drug addicted brother, and getting involved with a guy she thought was the one . Well he just turns out to be a drug dealing, rapist asshole she moves to Australia for college. There she finds friends, makes a reputation for herself, and maybe finds love. 
          Gone, this one was my first time ever trying to write. And it’s still on going. However, it’s about this band who are on this huge music festival tour around the US. Well the lead singer Faith, runs into the infamous bad boy Ian Wilson from another band. He finds her  intriguing, she finds him annoying. But looks like they are going to be on tour together for 8 weeks. Does she fall? Or will her past take over and destroy any chance?
          I really hope you check one of them out!
          Also, if you ever want to chat! Hit me up!