Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.

Tyrion Lannister.


After thinking year and a half about what to write in this section of wattpad, I've finally come up with this...

-I am officially 20 years young (old doesn't have a ring to it...don't you think?)

-whose most of the days are spent with a pencil in hand drawing every goddamn limb and girdles present in an organism(well, I think I exaggerated a bit there but it still happens, although not frequently).

-whose only escape from the world is books(which I get plenty on wattpad).

-who writes because she thought she could. she may not be good at it but she is determined not to give up.

-who considers music to be a stress reliever and listens to it quite frequently.

-who is a big fan of TVD and GOT.

-who can eat atleast... I lost count of the chocolates I can eat.;-)

Well, that is just about me( I might add one or two things later on, not sure).

I don't know how to promote my story and I also don't like asking people to read my story. That just sounds demeaning to me( No offense to the ones who are doing it). I am ashamed of myself because I did it once or twice but stopped when I realized that people are going to read your story if they like it and they'll vote and comment only if they want.

So be patient and keep doing your work even if you are not receiving any appreciation for it.

Thank you so much to the ones who actually read this whole thing. I appreciate it.

  • Beside Daenerys
  • JoinedApril 21, 2015

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