
Just finished writing the end to "I'll Take You To Neverland" though I have about 7 chapters left to post. Plus, I've started on the beginning of the sequel, so I hope you guys are ready!


Hi there. Thanks for following me. God bless you all. names sarit. but they call me Jackie. I'm 18. im actually a bit of a half cast israel and Nigeria. What's urs. 


@TheMysteriousA I'm Becca, I'm 15 and from the U.S. You blew up my notifications this morning and woke me up. But thank you for all of the votes, I appreciate it!


I loved the story Every Beginning has an end!! I had not finished reading it!! how did it end? please tell me!!! I'm dying!!


oh man that would have been great!! ALL of your work is amazing I love reading stories! You are such a great author! 


@SuperWhoLockUnite It had a messy plot, but I always planned for them to have a big fight and for Tom to send the video they made together. After she watched it she would go back to him and they'd live happily ever after. Sorry about that!