
Everything that wasn't headcannons is currently going to be revised since my writing style has changed quite a bit in the past year(?) I also will be posting more about my own OCs and what not. If you have any questions or anything at all just DM me and I'll respond as soon as I can


Everything that wasn't headcannons is currently going to be revised since my writing style has changed quite a bit in the past year(?) I also will be posting more about my own OCs and what not. If you have any questions or anything at all just DM me and I'll respond as soon as I can


Is it just me or anytime I write or update something(which I always remeber) I now just can't remeber anything about the story in general. Like I'd read the stories back to myself to make sure that even I'd read it but then again now I just don't know? I'm still going to try and keep updating obvi


I've been thinking about getting into Wlecome Home and all that shiz, would y'all be interested  if I posted stuff about Wally and the gang or..?


@Ugh_simping I was thinking about getting into that fandom too, if you do wright a fic about it I think that would be great and a good final motivator to get into it, so yeah. I think that would be great.