
So apparently they're getting rid of private messaging- does anyone know what it's being replaced with- if anything?


@MangaStoryFan I know, right? IDK, they may've realized that not many readers looked at DM's, let alone respond to most of them, so *shrug* might as well utilize it to be their own contact board ^
          	  Good thing there's still Discord, though- if you still have it, feel free to get in touch there ^


@Torkuda It's not getting a replacement, from what I have read. Overall? They're just getting rid of it because they can, I guess, which is strange to me because that's one of the key factors for writers and readers alike to communicate without anyone seeing their business. 
          	  To me, they should just leave it because, just like any other media, private messaging is very helpful. But I guess they don't see it that way. Only the official Wattpad account can message you, which is...stupid. If you want to eliminate something, you might as well eliminate it altogether. 


So apparently they're getting rid of private messaging- does anyone know what it's being replaced with- if anything?


@MangaStoryFan I know, right? IDK, they may've realized that not many readers looked at DM's, let alone respond to most of them, so *shrug* might as well utilize it to be their own contact board ^
            Good thing there's still Discord, though- if you still have it, feel free to get in touch there ^


@Torkuda It's not getting a replacement, from what I have read. Overall? They're just getting rid of it because they can, I guess, which is strange to me because that's one of the key factors for writers and readers alike to communicate without anyone seeing their business. 
            To me, they should just leave it because, just like any other media, private messaging is very helpful. But I guess they don't see it that way. Only the official Wattpad account can message you, which is...stupid. If you want to eliminate something, you might as well eliminate it altogether. 


Alright, finally, let's get back in the swing of these updates. 
          I'm working on another story for Near and Far and it should come out next week. Carnivore is on 170 pages
          Looks like my attempted update last week didn't go through. So here it is again, a series of short stories from the Globe Tracers timeline: .
          Now- if I can just remember to keep making regular updates from now on- fingers crossed!


@Torkuda Carnivore? That a new name we haven't heard of before? Either way, thanks for the update!


Another two chapters of Scropion and Hawk are on DA if anyone is reading them. Again- they're just previews for now. 

          So- I've been looking at the AI story programs a bunch and- what are they good for? Far as I've seen- they're good for wasting time. Honestly "creativity" on those programs is a way of asking "how bat**** insane to you want the computer's sentences to be?". If you try to insert a large story into say- NovelAI- It will lose track of information beyond a few pages. When the program writes a scene for you it summarizes like crazy and barely has any sense of pacing or tone. If your characters in an action horror go on a date and you let NovelAI write it they will be talking about the flowers on the table for fifteen paragraphs without saying anything not clechie the whole time. All creative AI really does is shoot out crap that motivates you to write something better. You'll end up having it generate a couple paragraphs and keep like five words, mostly prepositions. 
          Here's the irony. Did anyone REALLY need a computer to write creatively FOR them? Probably not. If you're not creative on your own a computer can likely only do so much. What it SHOULD have been designed to do is recognize and keep track of plot points as you make them. That way if you're having trouble remembering things like character names or dates over a large series, or even if you're trying to keep track of your own lore- the computer can help with all that and track you to make sure you aren't making huge story contradictions. Heck, it would be great if the AI were programmed to check real-world science on small scenes if asked. Basically, if I want a computer to help me write, I'd rather it help me as a COMPUTER, not as a fellow creator.


@Torkuda Read the chaps a while back but never got the time to comment on them- did enjoy them! Goes to show just how outclassed the ascendents are as compared to the celestials, as well as the big man upstairs himself. Also interesting to see Anubis seemingly being the most sensible ascendent, definitely don't think he'll be taken out any time soon due to knowing his place better than the others.
            Also on a related note- any status updates on the full version of Scorpion and Hawk? No worries if not, just thought I'd ask though.


@Torkuda Yeah, AI can be pretty dumb (especially over time, as you said). Can be nice for when in a rout, though.


@Torkuda  On the Scorpion and Hawk part- why don't you share them here also, I wonder?


Update this week. After the attacks on Israel, I had some chapters in my latest story that were a retelling of the Exodus account so I figured- why not publish them early in support of Israel? So I'm doing that on Deviantart if anyone is interested:

          (Warning: Scorpion and Hawk is much more adult than my other stories, no sex, but there are character deaths and moments of horror here and there.)
          Also I'm trying to join a new reading club with @RedChaos-1 and I'm supposed to give his book club book a shout out so- 
          This is a club I want to join and- I guess I'll have to get back to everyone on how good it is considering I'm not even a member yet but-
          Go visit I guess.


@Torkuda Well damn, was wondering when we'd get an update but I didn't expect early chapters! Nice to support the civilians and their faith this way as well yeah.


Okay- yeesh, it's been a while since I was doing weekly updates. 
          Anyway, as anyone watching has noticed, I released a new, story series, this time a loosely tied-together anthology about passing on wisdom through short stories. The societies in the Shadows Series aren't dead, I'm still working on them. However, I am contemplating new ideas for this anthology. 
          I'm especially updating today because I've finally had a breakthrough on the comic front. I was going to restart my video series when I really started examining my art style and- I'm restarting again... this should be the last time but... well... this really does look better to me:
          So yeah, unless anyone really does think my former style was better, I think I'll be proceeding to replace all my videos with this style. And yes, that does mean I meant to be relaunching soon.


@Torkuda Ah- got it. Interesting.


@Frozefas Societies in the Shadows is the umbrella universe that Globe Tracers, the Sigon Saga and the formal SiS series fall under. Tales from Near and Far is completely independent, just like Phantom Wolf eventually will be if and when I get to it.


@Torkuda Oooo- yeah I vote for the new cartoon style, Kyle and Jess look more like their age in the cartoon style I feel, I like the new Jess design especially. Also dang cool background, the lights in the buildings and night sky look neat.
            Also- societies in the shadows already? Think you said that the Scorpio side-story may come next, is that what you're referring to? Not complaining either way- just curious.


Oh um- update... Chaos Storm is releasing. Prologue ready to go.


Aaaaand right as I say that another chapter drops XD 


@Torkuda Curious- so is it going to be released in chunks like Book 3 was iirc? That's fair if so.




@Torkuda I see- that must not be easy. 


@Frozefas Night owl. I have a night stocking job. And thanks!


@Frozefas You out of the country rn or just a night owl? Either way- time to read it finally! And oh I'm just glad to be able to read this series lol!