
Hello!! Are you all alright? The world has turned upside down since the last time I was here, but as you see, I'm still here! I know we're living very difficult times, but I hope you're all being able to stay safe and healthy and feeling alright.
          	I know I disappeared completely and I want to apologize. I've received a couple of messages from you and I'm very moved you thought of me and messaged me to know if I'm okay. Thank you so much. I will reply to you, of course, but I wanted to inform everyone first.
          	I've been wanting to write this to inform you for a long time,  but for some reason I just couldn't. Also something happened during these months that makes it hard for me to work on the story. But I'm not giving up! I love the story and you deserve an ending for it. I will finish it for sure,  just know that it's going to take long and for now will stay paused. 
          	I'm still going to be away from some time, I think, but I want to little by little answer your comments and messages. The story will wait for now but at least I want to catch up with you. I mainly wanted to let you know I'm here, I'm okay, and I hope you're okay too.  
          	Thank you so much for all your patience and love. I'll do my best to be more active here again and I'll do my best to go back to writing!


@ TocGlitch  ofcourse I do! ^___^~♡
          	  Same here T-T.. this year has been crazy to say the least /__\ I'm still here, and will be for a long time xD so dont worry about that ♡ Make sure you take care of yourself! Me, Kirby and the others will wait patiently and happily! ^^ so write whenever you have the chance <3 
          	  No worries! hope you and your family are alright ♡ we'll talk soon! (and there might be a bunch of art coming soon :3 )


@lostinreality08 I'm doing my best, thank you. Take care too, okay? 


@EJChiaki90 OMG EJ!!!!!!! T_______________T You remember me and our little crew family T_T I've been wanting to talk to you again for so long too, thank you for still being here, I hope everything is alright! <3 Hahahaha, aw, Law, as tsundere as always :3 I hope I can meet them and you again soon, thank you for everything <3 You're too sweet T_T


Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed both of your stories. You made the main character of The Reader relatable to many people. And it was easy to feel the emotions through the story as if they were our own. So I would love to see the ending of your other book. It does leave us to imagine what could have been. I hope you're doing all right. And I'm glad I was able to find your books. I could hardly stop reading once I started both of them. Thank you for sharing your creative worlds


Hello!! Are you all alright? The world has turned upside down since the last time I was here, but as you see, I'm still here! I know we're living very difficult times, but I hope you're all being able to stay safe and healthy and feeling alright.
          I know I disappeared completely and I want to apologize. I've received a couple of messages from you and I'm very moved you thought of me and messaged me to know if I'm okay. Thank you so much. I will reply to you, of course, but I wanted to inform everyone first.
          I've been wanting to write this to inform you for a long time,  but for some reason I just couldn't. Also something happened during these months that makes it hard for me to work on the story. But I'm not giving up! I love the story and you deserve an ending for it. I will finish it for sure,  just know that it's going to take long and for now will stay paused. 
          I'm still going to be away from some time, I think, but I want to little by little answer your comments and messages. The story will wait for now but at least I want to catch up with you. I mainly wanted to let you know I'm here, I'm okay, and I hope you're okay too.  
          Thank you so much for all your patience and love. I'll do my best to be more active here again and I'll do my best to go back to writing!


@ TocGlitch  ofcourse I do! ^___^~♡
            Same here T-T.. this year has been crazy to say the least /__\ I'm still here, and will be for a long time xD so dont worry about that ♡ Make sure you take care of yourself! Me, Kirby and the others will wait patiently and happily! ^^ so write whenever you have the chance <3 
            No worries! hope you and your family are alright ♡ we'll talk soon! (and there might be a bunch of art coming soon :3 )


@lostinreality08 I'm doing my best, thank you. Take care too, okay? 


@EJChiaki90 OMG EJ!!!!!!! T_______________T You remember me and our little crew family T_T I've been wanting to talk to you again for so long too, thank you for still being here, I hope everything is alright! <3 Hahahaha, aw, Law, as tsundere as always :3 I hope I can meet them and you again soon, thank you for everything <3 You're too sweet T_T


And... It's 2020! Happy New Year to you all! :D Hope you're having an awesome first day of the year ;)


@TocGlitch happy new year!!! (Again ❤️)


@TocGlitch Happy New Year to you too!! Hope you're having fun :D *hugs*