
to all or any fans of mine who are still out there.
          	 i have had a tough time with my writing the past year or so mostly due to the fact that some kids at my school found that i write and some how were able to get some of my old and new work of the inter net. this combined with me not knowing that every thing i did on wattpad was coming up on my Facebook without my knowledge, because contrary to normal people of the world i am not a big fan of social media other that this. so basically i have been waiting for all this to blow over combined with the right amount of junior year work i am official back in the business of fan fiction making time to pick up the pieces from where i left off.


@Tiger_Shy I hope you find your peace and end up being able to start writing again!


Hello, i just noticed that the fan-fic "A vampire, in naruto??" was last updated a long time ago. I was wondering if you're planning on continuing it because i really loved it and hope you can continue it... No pressure i can completely understand if you can't or just lost passion for it. No biggie.


Understading what happened to u was not the big part it was to lose u for a year and now have nothing towards u. Love and hate r one in tge same they r strong emotions. For ur sake i will stop but one last thing update when u can


to all or any fans of mine who are still out there.
           i have had a tough time with my writing the past year or so mostly due to the fact that some kids at my school found that i write and some how were able to get some of my old and new work of the inter net. this combined with me not knowing that every thing i did on wattpad was coming up on my Facebook without my knowledge, because contrary to normal people of the world i am not a big fan of social media other that this. so basically i have been waiting for all this to blow over combined with the right amount of junior year work i am official back in the business of fan fiction making time to pick up the pieces from where i left off.


@Tiger_Shy I hope you find your peace and end up being able to start writing again!