
Hey guys. Just wanted to let y'all know that I am doing well this time of year. Been super busy, so do forgive lack of updates or whatever. On a plus note, the first 3 chapters of my sequel are complete and ready to publish, as soon as I get to a computer with Word XD. I reset my laptop recently, and it got rid of my Word program, so all I have is Word Pad, a cheap version of Microsoft.


@Thestardragon Hey homie, missed ya.


@Thestardragon  Glad to see you still well bro


That is nice to know


Hey guys. Just wanted to let y'all know that I am doing well this time of year. Been super busy, so do forgive lack of updates or whatever. On a plus note, the first 3 chapters of my sequel are complete and ready to publish, as soon as I get to a computer with Word XD. I reset my laptop recently, and it got rid of my Word program, so all I have is Word Pad, a cheap version of Microsoft.


@Thestardragon Hey homie, missed ya.


@Thestardragon  Glad to see you still well bro


That is nice to know


Hi StarDragon, 
               I have returned after a 3 year absence. My old "book" won't be continued anymore. I have a new account and everything. In case you don't remember me, my old account was "MegaGoldWolf88". To say the very least I don't miss my old account. 


Hey guys. Just wanted to give an update about my life. Things have been going kinda rough lately, but are slowly patching things up. Aside from my work cutting my hours down, moving is on the rise, so that is a but nerve racking. Gonna get a second job to work the 4 days a week I am off, just to keep the money flowing.
          As for my sequel, I was given a fantastic deal, and it has only snowballed from there! Just warning, it won't be the average sequel, that I can promise! I realize that it has been two-three years in the making, and I do hope to make it as awesome as I can for all you guys; you people are awesome, and have the patients of Saints to have waited this long for it. Again, I do thank you for all your patients for my slow writing skills *intense bowing*.
          Again, thank you all for everything and all the waiting! Let's make this the best 2020 we can!


@Thestardragon Bro, im sorry for what has been going on. My life has also been rough this year. But ik we miss you, but its better to take your time. Plus, your one of the reasons why i was writing! Which i did mention in my love story, but i had to restart the chapter so ill mention you later. But anyways, hope it gets better! ^w^


            Ouch.. I'm sorry that things in your life haven't exactly been doing alright, glad to hear things are gradually slowing down and becoming less of a headache. 
            Take your time with your sequels dude, no rush on them, I gotta read them though. Since they're probably outstanding like all your other works of art!