
          	I apologize for my *extended* time away. I’ve been putting my energy into finishing up my first year of college and I plan on getting a job at some point this summer, so I apologize for the dip in activity. 
          	I don’t plan being gone forever and I do wish to return, so, as always, your patience is endlessly appreciated <3


          I apologize for my *extended* time away. I’ve been putting my energy into finishing up my first year of college and I plan on getting a job at some point this summer, so I apologize for the dip in activity. 
          I don’t plan being gone forever and I do wish to return, so, as always, your patience is endlessly appreciated <3


          The plans that I had for this week will unfortunately (once again) have to wait. Without disclosing the details, I regret to inform you all that my mental health has hit a rapid decline over the course of this week and I will need a break. I’m terribly sorry for this happening yet again, but I don’t want to force myself to do anything and I want to take time to heal. 
          As such, I Will Set Us Free will unfortunately be back on hiatus. I wanted to have it out for you this week and I’m terribly sorry that this keeps happening, but like I said, I need to take time to heal. 
          In addition to that, Dreams Come True will also be on hiatus. I’ve had a lot of fun getting back into writing it recently, but because of what has transpired this week, not to mention that this story is on track to be much larger than I initially anticipated, I need to put my focus elsewhere for now. 
          I don’t plan on being gone forever, just long enough so that I will feel recuperated and can continue writing