
Hey you! Yeah, you! Do you like the Riordanverse? Are you a fanfic writer? Yeah? Then you should sign up for the Apollo Awards by @TheRedSourPatchKid! I’ve been doing it for 3 years now and it’s so much fun! Sign up by going to Red’s account and clicking on her newest book!


@The_Princess_Fangirl I'm running over to the book to answer everyone's questions now just so you know lmao


@The_Princess_Fangirl Thanks Alice (:  Best of luck!!!


Hey you! Yeah, you! Do you like the Riordanverse? Are you a fanfic writer? Yeah? Then you should sign up for the Apollo Awards by @TheRedSourPatchKid! I’ve been doing it for 3 years now and it’s so much fun! Sign up by going to Red’s account and clicking on her newest book!


@The_Princess_Fangirl I'm running over to the book to answer everyone's questions now just so you know lmao


@The_Princess_Fangirl Thanks Alice (:  Best of luck!!!


So. Hypothetically. If your friend who you’re lowkey in love with jokingly asked you to the dance as friends last week and you said yes because why not BUT THEN your other friend friend/crush’s best friend came up to you and told you that he didn’t mean it as friends but was too scared to ask you out and that’s really great info but you don’t want to date anyone in high school. But at the same time you don’t know if this is true because this guy likes to prank people and he knows you like him. What would you do. And of course this is all hypothetical but if you could responded quickly that would be great. 


@urdelusionalfriend Yeah im just gonna wait it out (and thank you! I should probably update soon lmao)


            erm idk if u still need this since it was like 3 days ago. but i say go w him w the thought that u two r just friends but if he starts showing interest and stuff than maybe also show interest. just make sure he is into u like that if ya know what i mean. maybe ask ur friend to see if he likes u or what not. idk if that was helpful or not
            (also i just read your “how you get the girl” story and it’s so good)


@The_Princess_Fangirl oh if he asked you casually then he was probably nervous and the best friend is likely right (but also kind of a jerk for telling you that, that's not cool).  
            I got asked to homecoming over TEXT once bc the guy was nervous and I was kind of oblivious to the fact that he only asked me as a friend because he was too nervous to like, ask me out on a date, and then a couple of days after the dance he texted and was like "have you heard people are saying we're dating" and I was like "bro nobody's saying that" and in hindsight he probably meant to ask me to be his girlfriend or something and chickened out


I now there’s a pretty good overlap of people who post on Wattpad and Ao3, so I’m gonna post this warning here. There is a new app developed by a TikTok user called (the app is called that, the TikToker is The app is, in her words, “Audible” for Ao3. Basically, she made an app that uses voices to read fics out loud. She claims it’s not AI, but come on, it’s probably AI. She is also claiming that if you are against this app, you’re ableist, which is so stupid because you can literally do text-to-speech in Ao3. 
          Not only is it taking fanfics without permission, (which is against the law), but she wants to have a Spotify Wrapped of sorts on it, which means that data collecting is probably planning to happen there. Fanfic writers spend to much time writing for fans and for themselves, and I can’t even explain how terrible it is to steal the work and take away the positive interactions writers get with their readers (which are pretty much all that writers get in return.
          She is saying the ONLY way you can opt out of doing this is to email her at, and if you don’t, the team will assume they have a write to steal your work and use it for their app. I don’t recommend emailing because I’m afraid all it will do is put you on their radar, bur sadly that leaves locking your fics left as a solution, and I know a lot of people do that. 
          I’ll put links with more info in the replies to this post


@The_Princess_Fangirl like it's a good idea in theory, like Wattpad has some text-to-speech tools for really popular stories and it's surprising that AO3 hasn't implemented anything, but putting an app like that together without partnering with AO3 or the authors is super problematic


@TheRedSourPatchKid Oh yeah, I just saw. I’m glad it’s happening, and I think the system would be a lot better if authors could opt-in to start


Work Crush's Instagram?


@TheRedSourPatchKid The sapphic yearning is so real but don’t worry you’ll make it through


@The_Princess_Fangirl this girl is impossible to stalk she has over 900 posts.  Also she's on vacation this week and idk how we'll cope during our time apart </3