


@JessicaWright4 Sure, I just read the first chapter and your male body language is really good, it expresses his feelings without get to emotional which from reading that chapter really goes with the character.
          To answer your question, no not many males do the snapping there finger as you described unless it is a joke.
          Overall a very good peace of writing well done, and there to go hope I helped sorry if I didn't Iv never done this before.


Hi there. I saw you in a forum stating you would give an opinion on a piece with a male POV. My novel is YA, and my main character is a 19 year old college freshman. I found the biggest hurtle in writing from a male's perspective, was appropriate body language. I don't think men and prone to the finger snap, finger snap, head bobble combo; but who can be sure?
          Anyway.... If you wouldn't mind taking a peek at it, and giving me some feedback, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.