
Hello Everyone!
          	It has been long since we have posted anything. Our community has been on hiatus for sometime but we are back now.  We will resume with all our activities which includes promotions for our affiliates. 
          	Thank you so much for all your patience!


Hello Everyone!
          It has been long since we have posted anything. Our community has been on hiatus for sometime but we are back now.  We will resume with all our activities which includes promotions for our affiliates. 
          Thank you so much for all your patience!


hi I don't mean to bother u. But I run an interview series titled meet the authors. All the meet the author stories can be found on my profile. Aside from promoting authors, I've also attempted recently to showcase Wattpad communities as well. If you're interested in having your community promoted, please send me a private message


@BooksbyLwordpress We would get back to you 
            *Vintage community*❤️


Heya Vintagers! In need of some great graphics? Hear out our affiliate @TMC_Affiliates' anouncement:
          "The contest has officially ended with its glory! The graphic contest, which was hosted by all of us is completely over and we're back with the results. These graphic designers are completely underrated and check out the below link to see their works
          FIRST PLACE
          SECOND PLACE
          @ziu_05 and @Love_at_first
          THIRD PLACE
          Check out their graphic portfolios!"


Hello Vintagers! Ready to shine your way through another book award? Then let's get our gears on and read some of our affiliate: @EireneCommunity 's words! 
          "Welcome to the Chryseis K-pop Fiction Awards, where we hope to find magnificent hidden gems amongst the sea of talented writers. 
          'Don't be afraid of the height you might encounter as you venture down the road of creative writing. Instead, be afraid of never flying; what good are wings without the courage to fly?'"


October is here and this month demands some delightfully blood-curdling stories.
          Witches, Goblins, ghosts, and vampires of the night, it's the call of the Halloween...
          Something is brewing at Nyctophiles.
          Fly over on a broom, float like a ghost or run like a vampire
          To a spooktacular
          HALLOWEEN CONTEST by our affiliate @NyctophileCommunity


Hey Vintagers! How are ya'll doing? Here are some words from our affiliate @esthetiquecommunity  :
          "A writer only begins a book, a reader finishes it." 
          These beautiful words by Samuel Johnson truly makes us  realise that a writer cannot exist without a reader. Readers are the only beings which makes the writer rise above the ordinary and bring out the true extraordinary of themselves. What if readers stop reading your book? Do you really think your story would get what it deserves?
          No, right?
          Then why not give the reader what they truly deserve?
          A recognition. 
          A simple mention.
          A heartfelt gratitude.
          An award.
          Yes, now is the time to confer load of love and acknowledgement to your lovely readers. Pur affiliate, The Esthetique Community have brought a unique set of awards, entitled READERS' APPRECIATION AWARDS. Do check it out and let your gratitude for your readers reacht hem at the right time, through the right place.


Ooooooooo can i join???


@ReadwithSunshine Well, Whatsapp is not needed, but Discord is where we all chat. It will help you to meet the rest of the members. Is there any reason why you can't create a Discord account? 


@TheVintageCommunity I’m not on discord or WhatsApp. Do I have to have one of those? 


@ReadwithSunshine :). To apply, go to our hiring book and submit your form. We will get back to you soon ❤️