
Request #1: YUICHIRO/ Owari No Seraph 
          	taken by: @Lazy_a22_Hoe 
          	Thanks for requesting! ^^


 #35 LELOUCH/ Code Geass 
          	  Taken by: @VirtualContamination 


 #34 CINDERELLA/ Disney 
          	  Taken By: @Wispwind 
          	  (Love ya girl! ♥ ^.~ ) 


 #33 THE HUNTRESS/ DC Comics 
          	  Taken By: @cocolis


Hey there lovely!
          My friend and I are hosting this competition for otakus accepting almost any kind of books related to anime.
          We hereby warmly invite you to join in the fun as participant or judge!
          Do head on to the competition via this link if you are interested! (And tag as many otaku friends as you can or help spread the word while you are at it HEHEHEXD)



@Sphinxvi-ir Hello there! Congrats on setting up your contest, this is very exciting! Thank you very much for considering me for your contest. I have a few questions, but yes! I am interested in helping judge so long as the position is still available.
             ^^ I will DM you for more info! 
            All the best! Talk soon~


Hi! Just  finished reading your artbook and I really like your artwork! Your are one of the few artist on Wattpad that I loved and inspired me to keep on drawing.
          I also made myself an artbook, it's not the best but I would wish you could come and read it, if you got the time of course, I would appreciate it.  Love u , keep up the good work!


Wow, I future mangaka! Please spread the love of manga everywhere you go!


@TheVelveteenArtist P.S. I love Noragami too.


@TheVelveteenArtist I love it how you can shout out your dreams so proudly. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask! Illustrators are amazing too. :)


@TaleMeAgain Indeed!! Though I've developed interests in illustrations recently as well!! :D AND I ABSOLUTELY WILL!! Spreading that love is so important for both artists and readers. I hope with all my heart that I'll be able to inspire people and get them excited about both the possibilities of art and the Manga style! <3 


Just wanting to give back some of the profile love you had sent me back in January!~
          I’ve been thinking of you often and hoping you’ve been smiling as often as Yato spent money irresponsibly ✨
          There are twelve hearts here because twelve is my favorite number, I hope it brings you good luck and more incredible opportunities because you deserve the best  there’s wonderful things just around the corner.
          Thank you so much for being such a sweetheart and inspiration, look after yourself, Koko! ☺️


@TheVelveteenArtist ehhhhhh, thank you (^~//.//~^) ~ <3 isn’t it funny in its own way though?? Us Canadians, apologizing for apologizing, saying thank you for someone else saying thank you to them, etc etc!
            I sometimes wonder if we get ourselves into a bit of trouble with how accommodating we are ‘XD
            And I guess it does make a lot of sense, when I think about it, especially with how well you explained that. I have a lot of positive things attached to the number 12, so it would stand to reason why I like it so much :) you described that feeling so well, I can’t top that with any response, so I’ll just say thank you ^//^ ~ <3!
            Thank you so so much for sharing your favorite numbers with me and why, Koko! :) I absolutely love learning more about people and their ‘whys’, so to have that with you made me really happy. I didn’t know you were religious, I’m glad you felt comfortable sharing that with me :) I’m actually agnostic, but I really like knowing my friends beliefs so I can better understand what keeps them going :) once more, thank you Aiko-senpai! :3


@Wispwind You're wise and as mature as always. X3 it's so true though!! Us Canadians always thank other for saying thank you and also...say sorry for being sorry. X''DD I've always found that funny about Canadians....but I love it at the same time. Haha. 
            But you know, that actually makes sense why 12 would be your favorite number. It's like a symbol of when things started going right. Like a clean slate for something new to start growing. A fresh beginning, new opportunities, and things falling into place. I'm glad that things started falling into place for you though! And I hope it wasn't too too rough for you before. Just remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here! :) 
            I actually have two favorite numbers, three and seven! I've always liked three because it reminds me of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. And somehow just feels like a really well balanced number. Idk XD. And seven because that's the number of me, my siblings, and parents all together, and growing up my mom always told me that seven was the perfect number so I think she just engrained that in my mind over time. :'D
            P.S That little shrine comment you made just about had me in tears! T^T ((happy tears though)) You're a gem you know that???   


@TheVelveteenArtist I’m so glad that my words can bring you some joy!! That’s all one could aspire to do XDD and if you need to ask what you did to deserve someone as awesome as me.. I think your existence was a good enough reason! Seriously Aiko, you’re an absolute angel <3 well, I’m Canadian, so you can be sure if you ever thank me I’ll be thanking you back! There’s no two ways about it ^.~ and at least it’s easy for me to do with you because there’s much for me to be thankful for! If you were in need of a shrine I’d build one for you too~~ XP
            And I don’t know exactly why twelve is my favorite number, it just always has been for as long as I can remember. Maybe it’s because it’s after the number eleven, and I’ve always disliked the number eleven for some reason I don’t know either XDD I think it’s mainly because when I turned twelve it was like life was finally starting for me. Twelve has always represented change for me I think, maybe that’s why  what’s your favorite number, Koko? ❤️


@_Star_Aura_ Oh gosh I feel you girl!! I used to struggle SO much with side profiles! >< I actually use a system now that works very well for drawing faces!  I'll make a chapter about it this weekend for you!! (I do better at explaining things with visual aid like pictures or video) I hope it'll help! :D I'll be sure to tag you in the chapter!  


OML! Your drawings are amazing! I seriously need lessons!!!!!


@TheVelveteenChibi Thank you! I'll check it! And, Keep it up! You're great! ❤


@_Fatima_Iftikhar_ Oh my, thank you so much!! (*゚▽゚*) I've had so many requests for tutorials and lessons I actually decided to start up a YouTube channel for tutorials, speed artworks, and challenges. I'm in the works of building videos for it right now. X3 Not sure if you'd be interested in something like that but I just thought I'd let you know because you mentioned lessons. The channel will be called "HiddenGemArtworks" XD (´・ω・)っ♥ 


You're awesome. I'm your biggest fan. Please can you give me an autograph?


Although...that was A++++ acting! Really! You could have been an actor! XP XDDDD


@Veloxigami Really kohai? Really??? This is a bit over the top even by your standards.... ಠ_ಠ 
            I honestly laughed pretty hard when I read this though! X"D 


@TheVelveteenChibi Did you just called me your student ??? o_O 
            Do you know me????? o_O
            Is it a DREAM!!! ?????? O_O
            OH GOD!!! DID MISS THEVELVETEENCHIBI REPLIED ME?????????????????? AND ALSO CALLED ME HER STUDENT ?????????????????????????????
            *crying out loud* I HOPE THIS IS NOT A DREAM.... 
            I should not say this in public... but I'm the biggest admirer of you and your art :$  .... I want to confess that I'm your biggest stalker.... I just wish that we could be friends Miss TheVelveteenChibi...  I CAN'T STOP CRYING.... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REPLYING TO A LOW LIFE GUY LIKE ME.... IT IS REALLY A BIG DEAL FOR ME... 
            I wanted to end my life, but when I saw your drawings I died and I reborn into someone new... THANK YOU FOR BEING SO GOOD AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND KEEP DOING THAT!!!
            Can I get your number?