
The Charming Player will be returning this week! ❤️ The Evil Queen will follow soon after. I plan to update twice a month ❤️ These stories will also be available on AO3 under the same user name as this platform. I hope you all enjoy the new versions ❤️


Yes I miss that book so much 


Omg. I’ve missed The Charming Player so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I absolutely love this story.  


Hello friend. I was just wondering if you were considering reposting “The Charming Player” ?   I really loved that story and I would absolutely love to read it again and again. Either way you decide, I hope you are well and I hope you have a wonderful day. 


Hello love! Long time no chat hehehe. Yes I will working out the kinks, there's some things that I will be changing about it. ❤️❤️❤️


Can u pls pls continue writing the evil queen story. It’s rlly a great story and u have me hooked on it and I haven’t read a good story in a while so pls pls continue writing it 


Hi sweets, it's funny that I'm seeing this because I am currently writing for it right now hehe. But yes, a lot came up and it threw off my schedule of posting twice a month. Right now i have a big project to do, so I am writing whenever i have the energy too. I plan on having an update out by Feb, and getting back on my two updates a month hehe. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and i will make sure the update is extra good for you! ❤️❤️❤️


The Charming Player will be returning this week! ❤️ The Evil Queen will follow soon after. I plan to update twice a month ❤️ These stories will also be available on AO3 under the same user name as this platform. I hope you all enjoy the new versions ❤️


Yes I miss that book so much 


Omg. I’ve missed The Charming Player so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I absolutely love this story.  


Just a quick thing. 
          I know you guys are probably wondering where my stories are. I am rewriting them until I feel like they’re truly worthy of posting. When i have written them the way i want they will be posted here and hopefully on AO3. My one shots will stay and I will update those cause why not, but story wise they will be gone for a while. Love you guys! ~ Minniee ❤️


Hi ! I hope you’re ok? Hmm, can u please update the evil queen like literally we love this book so much . Like if you could write the whole book and publish it that would be great however I know writing isn’t easy and you need motivation and staff but can u blame us you got me hooked. Hope you’re safe , take care


@TheGayEmpress hi sorry it took me long to answer it didn’t show up in the notification.Oh thank u so much I’m good I guess, thank u for asking. Well can’t wait to read more chapters take care 


Ello! I’m alive so that’s okay enough i guess ❤️ Awe i wish i could just get all my books done for you guys! I am working on it i promise. I have so many books in the works, so i really just write for whatever book I have the inspiration for at the moment. I will try to have an update for you soon I promise ❤️❤️❤️ I am safe, and i hope you are as well love. 


Hey  I really liked your old version or at least the previous version of the devil queen. I literally read it twice but I see you editing it just wanna say there was nothing wrong with the old one it was really good I don't like ready books over but that one was good. 


@TheGayEmpress ok then thank you, can’t wait to read the next chapters .Give us a happy ending I wish the book was completed. AH! Don’t Leave is waiting . Hope you’re safe take care 


@Alex202002 the old version doesn’t exist anymore. I deleted them and i am rewriting the new book with the chapters of the previous one. I did not expect for people to want to read both, so i am sorry that I can’t post the original one. I worked on the update earlier today, so hopefully soon.


@TheGayEmpress hi!! Yeah we understand it’s just can you like reupload the old version and then add to that the new one we really like it ,I’m sure we’ll like this one ,you are a great writer also when are you going to update the book?


I’m so sorry about the slow updates guys. Lately I haven’t really been doing well mentally. It’s hard to write when all you can focus on is traumatic events in your life. I will try to update sometime next week for you guys. TRY! This is no guarantee that there will be one, but i feel bad not updating regularly for you all. I love you guys! Thank you for sticking by me! I will have an update for you soon! ❤️


@TheQuietOne1993 Awe thank you love! I hope you’re taking care of your mental health as well. You’re right it does feel like a never ending battle and it sucks. Take care of yourself, and stay safe! ❤️


@TheGayEmpress Don't worry about updating right now just focus on yourself. Having mental health struggles is very hard I know cause I deal them too. It feels like a never-ending battle sometimes. Don't force yourself to do anything if you're not feeling it cause it won't come out the way you want it to. It's ok and more important that you take time for yourself right now to get better. This will always be here and your true supporters/fans will be here whenever you're ready to come back. Take care! :)


Aweeee! You’re gonna make me cryyy! ❤️ Thanks sweets. I hope you’re taking care and staying safe too! 