
It took me nearly three weeks to finish Circe, not because it was boring, it was a great book, but because I have such a horrible attention span. I would read a few pages, get distracted by something else, and forget about it. By the time I finished it, I needed to return it to the library in 3 days. 
          	I borrowed the song of achilles yesterday, and  the only reason I stopped was because I needed to go to bed. I got through 50% of the electronic book- 
          	So basically, my brain was like: 
          	Do you wanna read a bittersweet book about Circe's journey to becoming a powerful witch? 
          	My brain: meh. Sure. 
          	Do you wanna read a book about two gays tragic story in ancient Greece? 
          	My brain: HELL YEAH I DO!


It took me nearly three weeks to finish Circe, not because it was boring, it was a great book, but because I have such a horrible attention span. I would read a few pages, get distracted by something else, and forget about it. By the time I finished it, I needed to return it to the library in 3 days. 
          I borrowed the song of achilles yesterday, and  the only reason I stopped was because I needed to go to bed. I got through 50% of the electronic book- 
          So basically, my brain was like: 
          Do you wanna read a bittersweet book about Circe's journey to becoming a powerful witch? 
          My brain: meh. Sure. 
          Do you wanna read a book about two gays tragic story in ancient Greece? 
          My brain: HELL YEAH I DO!


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My sisters lost their nightlight, so my mom made me give them mine because "You're seventeen! You're an adult! You don't need a nightlight!" 
          Well it's pitch black in my room and fucking storming like crazy! And the thunder's really loud, and the lightning's really bright, and it's scaring the shit out of me! 
           I want my nightlight back! 


@ThatOneRandomPan opp- hope u get it back soon-!!!


A loud boom of thunder happened, and I dropped my phone on my face back accident, and it caused this to post, and if I wasn't scared shitless rn, I'd be laughing my ass off TT


My friend, trying to explain the pjo books and get me to read them: this is Nico, he's a gay man, and he used to have a giant crush on Percy. 
          Me: . . . . Aren't they cousins-? 
          My friend: . . . . Yes- 
          Me: But like, isn't Annabeth also Percy's niece technically??? 
          My friend: It's Greek mythology! There's bound to be incest. We just look over it. 


          Yesterday, I was at my graduation ceremony for one of my schools. (I have to do another tomorrow, help) 
          And my friend accidentally called me Axel while near my family. But luckily my mom didn't hear it. 
          You know who did hear it? My sister. 
          And when we get home and I go into my room to change, I hear. 
          "Mom, one of Ari's friends called her Axel." 
          So! If I suddenly disappear for a long time, I am probably dead- 


            I’m glad you are alright! Stay safe friend! 


            Thanks! I think I'm alright, my mom and I have just avoided it, so I'll take it.


            I will await your return. 
            In all seriousness though, I do hope your alright, and congratulations on the graduation! 


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Went back to my homeschool for the senior clapout and field day, only to be fucking hawk by one of my school's administrators. This woman even followed me into the bathroom and peeped through the crack of my stall, wtf- 
          The senior prank was pretty cool. A lot of people just parked their cars terribly and entered school riding kiddie bikes, roller blades, and scooters. 
          It started raining after the clap out and I said fuck that shit and asked my friend to drive me home. So she did! We flipped the school goodbye, gave goodbye hugs, and went home. 


@HyloRxse I did! My friends invited me to dinner later, and then we goofed around at Target. So I'd say it was a great day!


            Nice! Not nice that someone was stalking you- that’s just creepy! But I hope you had a good time! 